Example sentences of "i [verb] [vb pp] [Wh det] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd forgotten what a thin face Dad had got — how old he was .
2 I 'd forgotten what a delicious meal tea could be ; and sitting there I felt invaded by the envy of the man who lives in an institution , and has to put up with institution meals and institution everything else , for the rich private life of the established .
3 I had forgotten what a silly little girl you still are . ’
4 Since talking to Anita , my neighbour , about my weight loss and panic about putting it back on , I 've discovered what a low opinion I have of myself .
5 Yea , drinking 's always got me into trouble in the past , I mean now I 've thought about it , I 've thought what a stupid idiot I 'd be , so you know if it was n't for the course , then I probably would have gone and done it again , you know , without a second thought .
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