Example sentences of "i [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I 'd applied for Mastermind in three previous years but was unsuccessful and even had an audition in 1989 . ’
2 Herbert and I had moved to rooms in a house by the river , in the Temple area .
3 I had met him a couple of times , and he had submitted a paper I had written for publication in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society .
4 as if in answer to the prophecy I had written in Amsterdam in the Hotel Brabant after visiting the exhibition of Picasso 's Guernica , I was now in the very presence of love itself , in the form of the hero imagined there and then .
5 I immediately placed all the money I had collected on deposit in the Bow Building Society at 102 Cheapside for a period of one year at a rate of four per cent .
6 I had met in London in the 1960's .
7 I had gone to Bletchley in excitement and trepidation , had been very content there , in congenial company , and with the satisfaction of knowing that I was employed on work essential to the war effort .
8 I had gone for coffee in the student room in order to avoid my colleagues .
9 This turned out to be P2653 , the aircraft I had ferried to Malta in June of the previous year .
10 Major Hal , who met us on arrival , insisted that I had qualified for membership in the ‘ Short-Snorters ’ Club ’ .
11 If I had admitted to cold in any of these instances , I should also have had to admit that my fund of energy was n't limitless .
12 This man , who was soon joined by three friends , reminded me of the woozily friendly Galway people I had known in Brighton in the late sixties and early seventies .
13 Fenner Brockway , well I , I 've gone to meetings in the Albert Hall , and I 've gone to meetings at Sheffield .
14 I 've not , Alastair accused me of being topical because of a member of the royal family this week this is not the reason but I 've gone for Leotard in the one twenty five at Cheltenham .
15 That 's why I 've applied for school in September .
16 I 've been generous in the latitude I 've given to speakers in talking to this proposal , but it is quite specific about the the review of er responsibilities
17 I 've worked with children in various settings , mainly in secondary school , and in recent years I 've worked with students , so when I try to make that sort of categorization I find it very difficult .
18 And when I go to Wales for a holiday and there are Welshmen , they 're just as good as I am , some can sing so much nicer , and I 've worked with Scotsmen in engineering factories , and there 's no better engineers than Scotsmen , but they do n't necessarily call them British .
19 see if I can get a grade A for this one , that , if I can get a grade A for the er next two pieces that I 'm doing , which I 've got to hand in , that could take me to a B grade after that .
20 In the present Chapter I have written of movements in theory in the present tense , whereas what is ideally required is something grammatically subtler — perhaps there are languages where it exists — like a special tense in which the present extends back to include actions or events that are already in the recent past .
21 This latter alternative , the old route , is strongly to be recommended , however , the traveller being rewarded by a magnificent intimate view of a mountain of rare visual appeal , Ben Loyal , the first of the scenic highlights I have selected for inclusion in this book .
22 During the past 60 years , I have lived on islands in the Hebrides where Gaelic was the normal means of communication in church services and in daily life .
23 I have lived with thieves in Manchester .
24 I have lived in Dunstable in Bedfordshire , all my life , and I am now studying for A-levels in English , French and Business Studies at Manshead Upper School .
25 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
26 Later having cut the ties and had a look at the will , he made another in which he repeated the legacy as follows : ‘ All the legacies I have left to people in the will which I have opened I want to be valid , and whatever is written in it . ’
27 The results of my journey can not , I think , but be attended with great advantage to science returning as I have loaded with novelties in every department of zoology ; besides much entirely [ new ] information respecting the habits and economy of the singular forms peculiar to Australia .
28 The notion of indexical meaning ( which I have expounded in detail in Widdowson 1983 , 1984a , and which 1 shall discuss again in Chapter 7 ) is crucial here .
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