Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I asked for it at the suggestion of my cousin Sarah , who was slightly older than me and whom I greatly admired .
2 Well , perhaps I asked for it in a way , ’ Felicity admitted reluctantly .
3 Then I asked of him concerning the suffering .
4 I grin at myself in the mirror .
5 I gazed at them for a while and then buried my head in my hands .
6 I gazed at her for a long time , slowly enraptured .
7 So I clung to him through the poetry I went on helping him to write .
8 I read about it in the paper today
9 Or the poster I produced for you of the doves of peace made with human hands .
10 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
11 Could I stay with you for a few days and learn how you manage without magic ? "
12 You were on a raised platform and I passed before you in the parade . "
13 I rode with them in the cab ( we tossed the oneliners back and forth ) — to our destination .
14 I build to it during the lost-in-the-wood speech and then it starts a bit uncertainly and then they really get it and it hits the show like a trumpet solo .
15 Anyway treating it with the respect that any fish of unknown toothy potential deserves I knelt across it like a pike and proceeded to unhook it with Rick 's help .
16 Thoughts about how the spectacles would appear to me if I moved towards them leftwards must be related in the correct way to thoughts about how they would look if I moved above them to the right ; thoughts about their being artefacts must be related to thoughts about their not existing before a certain time or not coming into existence in the kitchen as the kettle boils .
17 I don I should also say that following a very recent decision er in our submission that 's probably right , that my Lord as I say , I say to you with no joy , this really is desperate and er one can not have , in our submission , in the minds of the jury by inadmissible evidence , the suggestion that yes we have been harbouring this man two days before .
18 When I peered at myself in the mirror I screamed .
19 I peered at them round the end of the house .
20 ‘ You are a good officer , Merymose , ’ he said at last , ‘ and although I disagree with you about the capability of our Medjays , I respect your judgment .
21 I suggest to them at the beginning of each session that they will learn about a different existence from any they may already have experienced .
22 About quangos whatsoever , I want to something about the boundaries of the European parliament .
23 I am told by my Mother that I was a charming baby ; I used to he in the middle of the bed , kick my legs into the air and coo all day long .
24 Yes , I have n't brought the modular things I mentioned to you on the phone the other day but I think it would be very useful to sit down and look at structuring that
25 I stopped beside him as the other three went on ahead .
26 ‘ Mr Pinkhammer , ’ he said , ‘ can I speak with you for a minute ?
27 May I speak to you for a moment ? ’ he asked in a lower tone .
28 It just so happens that , before I came to this debate this morning , I was flicking through a pile of press cuttings when I came across one from The Journal ( Newcastle upon Tyne ) , a north-eastern regional newspaper .
29 He might have had it for some long time , I do n't know , but I came across it in a drawer in the small bedroom when I was putting his clean linen away .
30 I came over it below the farmhouse and hugged the side wall like I 've seen them do in the movies until I could peer round into the farmyard .
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