Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] time to time " in BNC.

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1 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
2 We certainly have not ceased erm to undertake educational work and erm I do from time to time er do a number of reports on that work for er our funding bodies and er recently I 've done a report requested by Northern Arts , for the Arts Council I believe .
3 Mr Beveridge told my colleague Bryan Rostron : ‘ I think from time to time one is brought in for overseas work in parts of the world where the old English system of justice still applies .
4 I think from time to time , little bits of the Government do work reasonably well , and do respond reasonably well to county council and local authority initiatives , and although I could n't pretend that a hundred and , that twenty- five thousand pounds is going to solve the unemployment problem in Wiltshire , nor indeed solve the problem being created by the run- down of defence industry , nevertheless , I think credit should be given where credit 's due .
5 With intent to make the Love of Gardening more general , and the understanding of it more easy , I have from time to time published Catalogues , containing large Variety of Trees , Plants , Fruits , and Flowers , both Foreign and Domestic , cultivated by me for Sale . ’
6 I then zealous to understand I I er , er , erm sought it Statutes , Volume thirty-three nineteen ninety three edition and studied most carefully pages six hundred and seventy-five to six hundred and seventy-seven and there I found an account of what has happened to Sections two and three and also for the first time light was shed upon Section two A. My Lords , I have from time to time ventured to express some doubt as to whether our legislative procedures were as excellent , as I 'm sure Your Lordships would wish them to be and when I recently suggested in the most mild terms to Her Majesty 's Government that they might consider some form of enquiry into our legislative procedures to see whether as they were as high class as they should be , erm I was given a very negative reply the clear influence of which was that the our legislative procedures could not possibly be improved and My Lords I do really think with respect that that is a proposition which is open to doubt .
7 To be specific about it , many of the Christian circles that I enter from time to time do not believe in the Devil .
8 When I discover from time to time this tiny book tucked away in my bookcases , I happily peruse it again and always find something , perhaps unnoticed before , which leads me into deeper and more silent meditation .
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