Example sentences of "that [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 As fig. 5.12 shows , these subjects learned the test more readily than did control subjects that were trained on the same task but had received initial Pavlovian training in which the tone and clicker were uncorrelated with reinforcer type .
2 However , there is wide scope for creating designs with a botanical feel , and in the picture shown on the facing page , I decided to use the leaves and buds that were picked from the same plant as the main flowers , thus creating a design that was botanically correct .
3 Another aspect of the context of a judgment is the other tasks that were performed at the same time .
4 The stock dove almost disappeared from some areas , but , like other species that were hard-hit at the same time , it has since made a good recovery .
5 Where there may be ambiguity , because two works exist that were published by the same author in the same year , the two works can be labelled ( a ) and ( b ) , as in , Kachru 1982(a) and Kachru 1982(b) .
6 It also works with the AppleTalk PC card that was announced at the same time .
7 My next point is on a relatively minor announcement that was made on the same day that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State announced the changes in benefits and contributions .
8 The San Francisco Museum is loaning us their beautiful Dirck Bouts ‘ Madonna and Child ’ that was done from the same cartoon or pattern as ours , the main difference being that theirs has a brocade background and ours is plain .
9 It was much more elaborate than the first of the famous series of astronomical clocks in Strasbourg Cathedral that was installed about the same time , 1350 .
10 In 1990 we held a benefit which raised DM 200,000 for the Kupferstichkabinett in Dresden , whose director , Werner Schmidt , had over the years collected art that was forbidden in the former DDR .
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