Example sentences of "that [vb base] in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One only has to note the impressive erudition manipulated by the likes of Borges , Cortázar , Carpentier or Fuentes or the intertextual references that abound in the new narrative to realize that the Spanish-American writer has long since ceased to be a provincial and is now very much a citizen of the world .
2 Certain types of bacteria , by genetic mutation , can build up resistance to disinfectants that act in the latter way to the extent that they can become totally immune to normal concentrations even utilising the disinfectant as a food source .
3 Erm there are different things that e effect consumer policy , environmental policy , and there are lots of things that happen in the educational field .
4 Winters are wild enough to curtail many of the outdoor pursuits that attract in the first place .
5 It is the speaker 's intention and the addressee 's successful location of the intended referent that matter in the first usage , not the exact aptness of the description , so that we could call this usage speaker reference ( as opposed to semantic reference ; Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
6 In Chapters 3 and 4 we have been looking at the major groups of institutions that participate in the financial system .
7 Several of the dehydrogenases that participate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle have been identified in the mitochondria of insect flight-muscle and the cycle can also accomplish the terminal stages of lipid and amino-acid breakdown .
8 This is a homogeneous , dense refractile layer about 1 µm thick , formed from granules that originate in the Golgi complex of the epidermal cells .
9 Hundreds of spiders ' webs , suspended between twigs bearing yellowing leaves and clusters of scarlet rose hips are decorated with water droplets that sparkle in the weak sun that occasionally penetrates the murk .
10 It is estimated that demand in the developing world will increase by some 2.75 times per citizen and that in the developed world some three times , so that the proportion consumed in the tropical world is going to increase .
11 The resulting two-volume Report dealt with over forty-four legal professions that operate in the non-Common Law jurisdictions of the Community .
12 But no-one used that label in the ninth century ; nor did Charles ever call himself king of the West Franks : his own royal title was simply " king by the grace of God " .
13 In so far as the auditor in the public sector is expressing an opinion on financial statements , then the Auditing Standards and Guidelines that apply in the private sector also apply in the public sector , absent specific statements to the contrary ( Auditing Guideline 416 , 1987 ) .
14 The clue is , of course , that if Archer 's coat was powder-stained his killer must have been someone known to him who could get up that close in the deserted night street where he met his end .
15 I mean , I think every women sho , here should be proud to say they 're a feminist if they believe in equal rights for theirself , and it 's only men that use in the derogatory way .
16 Those that live in the deep south of Thuringian hills even refer to themselves as the ‘ Mountain Republic ’ , and for those that speak German , their rolling accent can be fun to try and mimic !
17 It has been pointed out by feminists that the tradition which depends upon this demarcation line fails to give a satisfactory account of conflicts that arise in the private sphere .
18 On the one hand , the empirical work has yet to incorporate many of the concerns that arise in the theoretical literature , as illustrated by the treatment of incidence ; on the other hand , many of the theoretical models are far removed from being empirically implementable , and leave out of account important factors ( such as the implications for production of the heterogeneity of labour ) .
19 This definition of the essential nature of firm-type organization must not be confused with the idea that only authority is used to direct resources within firms that exist in the real world .
20 Or again , take the multitudinous array of chemical substances that exist in the natural world .
21 It is hard , at first , to make any sense out of the reports that exist in the feline literature .
22 Though all things that exist in the extra-mental world are particulars and singular , it is nevertheless possible for us to form essentially general or abstract ideas .
23 as in Tarrow and Suleiman. that in so far as group interests are expressed or mobilised through institutions that survive in the long term .
24 While many of the older songs that survive in the new set — ‘ Big ’ , ‘ Fishes Eyes ’ , ‘ Partial ’ — hang on to Justin 's overweight basslines for their effect , newer material enjoys a much broader baseboard .
25 It is only the more durable , including some which still feature as objects of conspicuous consumption in the most sophisticated societies of today , that survive in the archaeological record .
26 Of 47 species that occur in the Antarctic region , Wallwork ( 1973 ) considers about 70% endemic ; 17 species occur in continental and maritime Antarctica .
27 Realistic generalization is only possible , however , when there are good theories of the phenomena that occur in the real world .
28 As a result , we now have a very detailed picture of the lifestyle of the cuckoo and can recognise it for what it is : not a case of divine creation , but a superb example of the complex adaptations that occur in the intricate interrelationship .
29 That dissolve in the mid-air silence ?
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