Example sentences of "that [vb base] to [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although yeast bHLH proteins that bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc and Max have been described , they are unlikely to play a significant role in our experiments .
2 The transcription proteins that bind to the octameric DNA sequence ATGCAAAT ( or its complement ATTTGCAT ) are called Oct factors .
3 Simple L-R filters that correspond to the simple C-R filters of figure 8.3 are shown loaded with resistance R L in figure 8.5 .
4 But we may hope that the small differences in binding energies that correspond to the chemical shifts between different samples will be correctly reproduced .
5 he has problems with the e-marker , and needs , especially , to hear many of the words he misspells pronounced clearly while he is looking at them , and to have pointed out to him the parts of the word that correspond to the various sounds .
6 There is no evidence from all this of cerebral ‘ rubicons ’ that correspond to the different stages of language acquisition , but one can not avoid the impression that the linguistic skills acquired by the growing child are orchestrated by a physiological score ; and one moreover that has its own peculiar , species-specific crescendos .
7 The personal allowances and reliefs ( income that you are allowed to earn without being taxed ) that pertain to a single person are as follows :
8 I leave that matter to the other place .
9 This does separate members of a run of keys , but it fails to separate two or more records that randomize to a particular storage position .
10 The second method generally available for synonym handling is to chain together all the records that randomize to the same address .
11 Multiple record buckets can not be handled in this way , as groups of records that randomize to the same bucket do not generally have anything else in common , so that the whole bucket has to be searched to see if the desired record is in it .
12 Much of data processing involves retrieving records that refer to a given customer , stock item or member of staff .
13 The novelty — and most interesting feature — of this chapter lies in the examination of issues that refer to the author-to-reader level of discourse in fiction .
14 Wedgwood firmly believes that its wide choice of merchandise gives the right marketing mix and enables the Group to provide products that appeal to a broad section of the world public .
15 THIS should be the last word about exploding rats and other devices that appeal to the sadistic sense of humour in most of us .
16 They were failing to recognize or were positively discounting the rights of those dissenting from their particular views of public order , and subjecting that dissent to the full coercion of the state .
17 ‘ The limitations on artists who wish to make works that respond to the contemporary world of existing mass media images will be very confining indeed ’ , one critic warned .
18 Because of core segregation in the Earth the Moon is depleted in iron , and because of the vaporization of the outer mantle of the Earth a degree of chemical segregation is plausible by means of which the Moon comes to consist largely of materials that differ to the required extent from those of the Earth 's mantle .
19 Populations that belong to a specific group with common ancestry are known to have a single genetic system .
20 The development is one of recovery of health from sickness ; Hilton sees that man 's dual nature has a double inheritance : the sickness of the self that we are born to ( 3.19 – 20 ) and the transcendent " heritage of " ( Scale 2. 46.139r. – 301 ) that we can work towards : In The Scale Hilton developed at greater length the nature of the active and passive elements that belong to the contemplative life through which those who pursue it discover in the structure of their own experience the very being of Christ .
21 Their wings are the long and narrow ones that belong to the born gliders .
22 Investment advertisements that relate to a particular investment or investment services must , unless they are only being issued to non-private customers , contain specific contents .
23 Particular symptoms that relate to the separate parts of the body are worth 1 point .
24 Apart from the general problems that relate to the haphazard disposal of such waste , particularly into landfill sites where little effort is made to seal them off , in the United Kingdom as a whole the land around a third of the 100 sites studied by the Department of the Environment was contaminated .
25 Answer guide : Period costs are costs that relate to the current period in question .
26 Exemplary material suggested in the interim history reports can be examined , and similar examples may be found that relate to the local area .
27 The contents of subsection ( 1 ) that relate to the remedial steps are as follows :
28 General symptoms are symptoms that relate to the whole person in general and not just to the particular site of the problem .
29 Sue and Richard Buddery moved into their idyllic hideaway in the Surrey countryside 12 years ago , surrounded by tranquil gardens that contribute to a stress-free life .
30 Contemporary science is revealing complex symbiotic relationships that contribute to a shared environment to establish a balanced ecology .
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