Example sentences of "that [vb base] be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When working by hand , it is only necessary to record those values that change upon iteration ; in this text the values that change are denoted by bold print , but the other numbers are copied over for clarity .
2 Since the Aberfan disaster in 1966 , the law requires that overburden be separated from other waste , and the dumping technique produces a new shape .
3 The double-axe was an everyday implement , and yet the great majority of those that survive were intended for ritual use ; some were made of very thin sheet bronze , some were very large , some were very small , some were made of lead or of soft stone .
4 The exercises that follow are based on some of the easier freestyle manoeuvres , but the great thing about freestyle is you can invent your own tricks .
5 The distorting factors that have been discovered in scientific research have prompted extensive examination of past methods of research and of past results .
6 Records can be retrieved directly from files that have been organized in many ways .
7 I recall the catalogue of redundancies that have been declared in nineteen ninety one nineteen ninety two .
8 Fishing is one of John 's hobbies and he collects trout and bream that have been mounted in bow-front glass cases , with the date of their catch .
9 Instead , some examples will be given of the type of claims that have been made in the courts of the United Kingdom , Australia , and the United States , and of the responses that have been favoured by these domestic courts .
10 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
11 It will be the first set of requirements that UI has published that have been validated by 50 major users worldwide .
12 Two examples will illustrate the policies that have been adopted by different authorities .
13 Moreover , they illustrate many of the theoretical points that have been raised in previous chapters .
14 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
15 Here are some of those that have been raised by various scientists .
16 Erm I was going to pick up on a number of points that have been raised by previous speakers , but erm Mr Grigson and Mr Curtis seem to have er dealt with a few of those , erm just with regard to the the table put in by C P R E , with their figures , I would just agree with Mr Cur er Mr Grigson that there is a very substantial degree of double counting in those figures , there is also a very substantial degree of over provision in the allowance for for conversions , er past conversion rates in Greater York have averaged something like twenty nine dwellings per year , over a fifteen year period your talking about four hundred and thirty five dwellings , which is the figure that both York City Council and ourselves have have made allowance for for conversions , that compares with a figure of a thousand dwellings referred to by the C P R E and I see no foundation for that figure , erm , as I say Mr Curtis already picked up on the point about windfalls rates by Mr Thomas , erm just turning to the difference between the tables er submitted by the County Council and York City Council on the the residue within the er Greater York area , I would accept the figure , the figures put in the tables by Mr er by Mr Curtis , I think that they have picked up the the more recent planning permissions and the completions information , and they also take on board there more recent work on erm development within the city , and I I accept that table .
17 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
18 That regeneration project is a flea on a dog 's back into the jobs that have been lost in that area at the moment .
19 The qualifications that are being introduced , and the credit values that have been assigned to each qualification are as follows :
20 I should be pointed out of the student questionnaire to the that the questionnaire was directed only to women , so the figures that have been extracted from that relate to women and in that way give a partial picture of the whole .
21 The matters that have been highlighted in this report are as relevant now as those which necessitated the formings of the nineteen seventy eight and nineteen ninety congress resolutions .
22 In this Chapter I shall begin by briefly considering the ( rather wide ) range of interference theories that have been applied to latent inhibition .
23 The studies that have been undertaken on early Anglo-Saxon pottery emphasise that , unlike the more exotic materials discussed above , it rarely travelled far from a clay source to the point of consumption , regardless of whether it was for funerary or domestic purposes ; some classes of funerary pottery may have been transported further .
24 Since they involve the same Ernst equation , it is clear that all the solution generating techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times in recent years can also be applied to colliding plane wave situations .
25 The ideas that have been developed for this region can be applied to most turbulent flows adjacent to a wall : for example , to turbulent channel and pipe flow ( although not , for example , to a boundary layer close to separation ) .
26 The Darwinians were also impressed with the discovery by Henry Walter Bates ( 1825–92 ) of a new kind of mimicry in South American insects , where an edible species copies the warning colours that have been developed by another species that is distasteful to birds .
27 This study shows that bFGF , unlike EGF or FGF a , does not affect gastric acid secretion or gastric blood flow , the major factors that have been implicated in mucosal protection by EGF and TGF against topical irritants .
28 One objective of the GISP2 programme , and the parallel European effort GRIP ( Greenland Icecore Project ) , is to date accurately the apparent shifts from glacial to interglacial conditions that have been observed in previous Greenland ice cores. et all .
29 ( 1981 ) ) and to note the possibility ( to be taken up shortly ) that the mechanisms responsible for the DOE may in fact be responsible for the effects that have been observed in orthodox studies of acquired distinctiveness .
30 The marketplace offers a plethora of fittings that have been created for commercial kites and subsequently reach the accessory trays .
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