Example sentences of "that [vb base] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the hearing , your own Counsel takes you through the report and shows what a splendid , reliable fellow you are , and gives you questions that bring out the excellence of everything you did .
2 The plausibility stems from the implicit allusion to ideology ; there are historical forces at work in human culture that bring about the obfuscation of meanings that are then hidden .
3 But there was not yet a drug invented , or ever likely to be , that could cope with all the different and complex actions and judgements that make up a round of tournament golf .
4 Nor is science concerned with just the kinds of generalization that make up a theory of determinism with respect to our lives .
5 The idea of this quiz is to earn letters that make up a quote by answering the questions correctly .
6 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
7 Now artistic intention can be seen more clearly as just one of many often overlapping strands — ideological , economic , social , political — that make up the work of art , whether literary text , painting , or sculpture .
8 Church & Co has been producing shoes in Northampton since 1873 and here is an excellent opportunity to see the many processes that make up the manufacture of men 's welted shoes .
9 The large size of the Faculty allows unparalleled opportunities for postgraduate study and the diversity and breadth of interest is represented by the twenty-one departments that make up the Faculty of Arts .
10 Nor is it just the lawns and bungalows and supermarkets of what was once the Canal Zone that make up the fabric of a colonialism with which several European countries have been historically familiar .
11 The Museum is on the eastern spit of one of the hundred islands that make up the city of Leningrad , and the spit links two of its six hundred and twenty bridges .
12 What are the threads that make up the pattern of your life ?
13 One or two of the few houses that make up the hamlet of San Sano were acquired and transformed by the owner with great mastery into the attractive Hotel Residence San Sano , Signor Matarazzo 's taste runs to what could be called a ‘ glorification of simplicity ’ .
14 In its most general form theoretical practice does not only include scientific theoretical practice , but also pre-scientific theoretical practice , that is , ‘ ideological ’ theoretical practice ( the forms of ‘ knowledge ’ that make up the pre-history of science , and their ‘ philosophies ’ ) .
15 Of the 49 movements that make up the collection of 1708 , 35 are connected by incipit to at least one other in the same tonality .
16 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
17 In the week before the stranding several people , mainly fishermen , claimed to have seen whales entering the Wash , perhaps in pursuit of the fish that make up the bulk of their diet .
18 The source of meaningfulness of these ideas lies in the logical relationships that bind together a cluster of basic ideas into a coherent pattern Thus if the idea of numerical diversity presupposes the possibility of irreducible relations , the idea of irreducible relations , in its turn , presupposes the possibility of an objective order , and the idea of an objective order ( I shall argue ) is unintelligible without the idea of a plurality of points of view occupied by different selves .
19 Most trilobites were broadly oval-shaped being rather longer than wide , not greatly convex , and with eyes that occupy perhaps a quarter of the length of the head .
20 His own trade included the quick memorising of landscape and cityscape and at one corner there was an L-shaped alley that cut off the building on the corner itself giving an alternative route to making a left turn on the streets .
21 The hundred books on the table in front of me are so many tongs that pinch out the nerve of independent thought … one can not go one 's own way independently enough " ; and , from 1868 , a sardonic dismissal of " the philologists of our time " for " their joy at capturing worms and their indifference to the true problems , the urgent problems of life " .
22 A rainbow is formed from the interaction of pure white sunlight with molecules of moisture in the atmosphere acting as prisms that break up the light into the respective colours perceived through our senses .
23 It lit up the night sky above the East End of Glasgow like a burning city that was never consumed , every night flaring up again and again with a distant tumult of mountains of slag and iron , drinking the cold air and casting their baleful glow on the clouds that spread over the Valley of Pandemonium .
24 To do so , it may well be helpful to construct formalised and structured models that show how the deadlock in the arms race has arisen .
25 Within this encircling road , lie a series of superb brown trout and sea-trout lochs : Scadavay , with shores that meander round the moor for a distance of more than fifty miles ; full of fishy points and promontories , reputed to contain 365 islands .
26 Then there were the armchairs and sofas that travel around the country from auction to auction to auction .
27 One possibility is that the yeast is releasing toxins and other products that travel around the body in the blood .
28 This takes a similar form to the Arch of Peace and is set off by the extended , arcaded arms that drift along the edge of the square .
29 People do not want standards that tie companies down comprehensively or that rule out the use of judgment .
30 It was an act familiar to anyone , that is almost everyone , who has suffered from those self-inflicted illnesses that inspire only a feeling of wanting to curl up in a ball and be alone .
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