Example sentences of "that [subord] we do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may reflect the thought that although we do not aim at the ‘ truth ’ — i.e. our immediate aims are for simple solutions to empirical problems — nevertheless , the truth is what we end up with .
2 It would be more accurate to say that although we do not have a right to such things we do have freedom to do them .
3 ‘ We feel that if we did not pursue this second transplant it would be like , to put it bluntly , pulling the plug on her .
4 ‘ We thought that if we did n't like the Arab sector of Jerusalem after partition , ’ Damiani said , ‘ we would also have property in the Jewish sector .
5 What I tried to teach people was that if we did n't increase the added value , but took more of it and put it in our pockets , the only place we could take it from was the glass marked reinvestment and that makes people unemployed quicker than anything — and permanently .
6 SERAFIN : You mean that if we did n't have the machine she would have to be in here taking a shorthand note ?
7 This was that if we did n't take part in the inquiry , then it would be easy for the pro-nuclear lobby to accuse us of ignoring democracy , throwing up the chance to have our say , implying that our case was too weak to risk exposure .
8 But what I want the Hearts Mid-Lothian supporters to know is that if we do n't go to Hermestone , it is highly likely we 'll be remaining at Tynecastle , and we could put together a very attractive proposal there .
9 probably had n't paid that much , so these peo the ones that lent the money out , in really they er , and they really have suffered just , they probably thought that if we do n't lend them the money somebody else will and get the interest and they 'll grow bigger and much overtake us , you know , to , to take over our business , so er , so the
10 The stark reality is that if we do n't start winning games , we 'll go down .
11 I do n't imp intend to preach to the converted but what I do intend to say to anyone in this hall that 's either indifferent or complacent or just too idle to do anything than let this motion drift by them , that if we do n't get together on this issue to get the message over to our national officers and in turn the T U C , that if we do n't stand and fight for the right to uphold the basic principles of what I believe to be trade unionism , that is the right to withdraw labour , the right to protect our brothers and sisters from oppressive employers , the right to command decent conditions and fair pay without fair reprisal .
12 The idea is that if we do n't collect any money for you , we do n't get paid .
13 But I think we need to prove that we 've actually communicated with quite a few people to say that if we do n't hear from you in two months then I 'm afraid the scheme will lapse .
14 is n't there a risk that if we do n't keep a reasonable balance between employment and employment demand and employment supply in North Yorkshire , we shall finish up for different reasons with a need to regenerate the economy of Yorkshire , North Yorkshire ?
15 But Iceland and Norway have also said that if we do n't let them start whaling next year , they will leave the International Whaling Commission .
16 Mr Crosby said : ‘ I also have 10 important League matches left and have said all along that if we do n't win these as well I can not expect to be given the job here . ’
17 I 'm very concerned that if we do n't get some urgent remedial action to do this brickwork , that we 're gong to have a major problem down there .
18 I do n't imp intend to preach to the converted but what I do intend to say to anyone in this hall that 's either indifferent or complacent or just too idle to do anything than let this motion drift by them , that if we do n't get together on this issue to get the message over to our national officers and in turn the T U C , that if we do n't stand and fight for the right to uphold the basic principles of what I believe to be trade unionism , that is the right to withdraw labour , the right to protect our brothers and sisters from oppressive employers , the right to command decent conditions and fair pay without fair reprisal .
19 So it 's very important that if we do n't get erm visitors coming into the country from overseas that we perhaps erm help the industry , the industry helps itself indeed by giving and providing holidays for people from this country .
20 ‘ I 'm not exaggerating when I say that if we do not meet this challenge now , we shall be in serious trouble within less than a year .
21 He seems to be saying that we should open ourselves up to this possibility , and that if we do not do so , we may miss something that may ultimately be much more important to us than all that science is able to capture in its net .
22 In the longer term , however , we know that the UFC intends to force down unit costs as part of the expansion process and that if we do not expand we will have funding removed to bring us down to the unit of resource of those who have .
23 you can see that if we do not increase the membership to a bigger proportion of the Sports Council Grant , we are in trouble .
24 ‘ We forget that play is an essential part of our make up and that when we do n't play we get stressed out , ’ explains psychotherapist John Witt .
25 I agree what Rita asked for which was that it should all be archived in a central divisional higher , and I am taking it that they I think that the way we generally go about it that when we do n't get an enquiry erm , or when we do n't get a commission we keep a copy of it with the documents for a reasonable period of time .
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