Example sentences of "that [subord] [pron] look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively , one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler .
2 It has been suggested ( White , 1978 , p. 101 ) that if we look at the delivery of key speeches in the Supreme Soviet , for example , there was no evidence that prominent groups were gaining proportionately more influence vis-a-vis the party , which may demonstrate that there is no good reason to assume that industrialized societies necessarily develop similar political characteristics .
3 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
4 In which case , since Copenhagen is n't the biggest capital in Europe , the chances are that if we look in the right places we 'll find them sooner or later ! ’
5 Now the curious thing was that if you looked at the early atmosphere , the molecules in that were the molecules that we expected to see in interstellar space .
6 Er Now a lot of things in Lakehoff 's paper perhaps people have disagreed with since then such as the things about tag questions and hedges erm I mean some studies have said that if you look at the actual modality of tag questions , like we said before , the actual function of it
7 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
8 Well the accident was was that if you look at the junctions along that section of road and carried out qualifications junction , you could release , reduce delays from junctions and effect of your making your total journey in a shorter time making that route slightly more attractive .
9 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
10 ‘ Papa , tell Belle Maman that if she looks at the baby like that , I shall get only her hat in the picture … ’
11 Suppose that before he looks to the legal record he thinks it would be best to decide for the defendant in McLoughlin because it would be cheaper for the community as a whole if prospective victims insure against emotional injury than if drivers insure against causing it .
12 This is that when we look at the evolution of cultural traits and at their survival value , we must be clear whose survival we are talking about .
13 It seems to me that when one looks at the brief findings and reasons of the justices given at the conclusion of the hearing , or even if one were to look at the more elaborate reasons which they have compiled subsequently for the purpose of his appeal , then their decision was plainly wrong .
14 What my , my honourable friend raises a very interesting point because er when I we studied er the law relating to partnerships one of the basic er er principals was the personal relationship between partners and I 'm bound to say that when one looks at the headed notepaper of these big multi national accountancy firms sometimes the names of which cover most of the letter and there 's very little room in fact left er for the message .
15 Is the point that you 're making is that , that when you look at the evidence later on it sort of conflicts with that ?
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