Example sentences of "that [pers pn] have a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 He is also aware that I have a deep regard for Joan de Warenne — and in that I fear he is not alone ! ’
32 All I can say to that is that I have a higher opinion of your judgement than he has .
33 Recently I have increased the pump speed to 2 so that I have a higher turnover of water through the filter At this setting it will be turning over the content of the vat about 8 times an hour .
34 Erm , for instance , suppose that I think that one of the things that er makes me who I am is erm that I have a good head for numbers .
35 The problem I 've got is is er I know what I want to do and you told me what are doing , so from that I have a good picture of what how I should approach it .
36 So it might be , just the fact that I have a new car .
37 But if I was pressed to make a choice , apart from Coldingham Loch , I would have to admit that the Whiteadder River is my favourite Border stream , and I confess that I have a vested interest in Whiteadder .
38 I must prepare to say at this point that I have a special report on the Colville Road area to er er committee , not just on the now but I think we probably need to have further consultation with regard to the needs in that area .
39 They 're suggesting that I have a permanent security guard on duty , day and night , apart from an alarm system that would be more suitable to the Bundesbank than a private house !
40 I should like to refer briefly to something in which my right hon. and learned Friend knows that I have a passionate interest .
41 " I have to say that I have a different opinion of you than of some of the others from your house .
42 ‘ It 's just that I have a particular dislike of anonymous letters .
43 Notice that I have a red pencil and a blue one has no crossed interpretation , which is what we expect from a genuine ambiguity .
44 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
45 I know that I have a comfortable income now , but I still have difficulty in believing it .
46 The House of Lords eventually upheld her right , recognising that she had a genuine interest , but providers of information ( particularly the BMA ) and social services staff were extremely uneasy about the apparent danger to confidentiality of client files .
47 Knowing that she had a long day in front of her , Laura decided to follow her friend 's good example .
48 Being a mere apprentice was boring and carried no cachet , and Lydia was dauntedly aware that she had a long way to go before she achieved the skills and ease of perfection .
49 The prize for the winner , was to share her next dinner , and ensure that she had a good time .
50 It could now become evident that she had a good figure .
51 Never once in all the years they had known each other had Chambers gone further than a grudging admission that she had a certain flair for bookkeeping .
52 The tabloids seemed hell-bent on knocking Diana off the pedestal they had put her on , determined to prove , or invent if necessary , that she had a roving eye .
53 The upshot was that she had a rocky route through the rest of childhood and adolescence while I slipstreamed smoothly behind .
54 The last thing she wanted was for the local press to find out that she had a personal interest in finding Angy 's killer .
55 She did not want to tell Connor that she had a private plan in mind ; it was such a very long shot , and might come to nothing .
56 Although immersed in church and women 's group activities , nothing was known about her private circumstances except that she had a mysterious set of distant relations in Blairgowrie .
57 Her temper was caused by the fact that she had a terrible suspicion that what they said was true .
58 I had the feeling on reading it that a dam had just burst , and that she had a great deal more to say .
59 The manners which Topaz had been taught at the convent were good enough as a basis for acceptable behaviour , but she soon discovered that she had a great deal more to learn , and would also have to adopt a whole new set of values .
60 The little reporter realized suddenly that she had a real story for her editor and went pale with fear as she remembered that lady 's ruthless slashing up of her last offering , the report of an insignificant wedding .
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