Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll see that she 's clutching the bamboo handle of her bag .
2 On the screen , the window cleaner begins to urinate into his loved one 's mouth , and everyone sits around , attempting to pretend that she 's enjoying the experience as much as they are .
3 After they saw the pig — a pot-bellied Vietnamese — on Central News South last night — Environmental Health officers warned the pig 's owner that she 's breaking the law by the way she looks after it at home .
4 After they saw the pig on Central News South last night — Environmental Health officers warned the pig 's owner that she 's breaking the law .
5 With the verb , we know that she is bringing the hammer down , and that the nail is being hammered .
6 Of course it would be possible for Trible to maintain that she is re-reading the text because it is an important western text and she wants to understand more accurately what its authors meant .
7 Chrissie is relatively young and inexperienced , and while she may be a hardened liar and criminal , we feel the balance of the probabilities is that she is telling the truth .
8 ’ Fräulein Silber gave a wintry smile , ‘ and her coach is keeping her heights dark , but I know that she is keeping the bar up .
9 She also says that she is doing the ride again next year …
10 Sheila admits that food additives are a great worry — so much so that she is investigating the possibility of growing her own exotic vegetables in a hothouse .
11 But Wallasey MP Angela Eagle said today that she is to raise the matter in Parliament .
12 But Wallasey MP Angela Eagle said today that she is to raise the matter in Parliament .
13 However , I regret that it does not appear that she is to address the Council of Europe , of which the hon. Gentleman and I are Assembly members .
14 and that it 's called the Salvation Army group
15 And I think it 's both important for N C V O itself , to ensure that it 's working on issues , equal opportunities issues that affect itself , and that it 's helping the sector as a whole to do that , and and we 're very conscious of that , and er , certainly just in the last few weeks , have been looking at how we can upgrade what we 're doing in that sphere .
16 So with this this stone could be built in so that it 's facing the road could n't it ?
17 He says that it 's doing the business no good at all .
18 no I think that it 's to get the vocabulary various classes of people and varies age group
19 Er it is not asking the panel to n you know to draft a rite that would used and I , I would interpret this to mean that it 's asking the panel to look up the theological propriety if you like of such a rite and bring forward suggestions which would then be passed for implementation , if so decided , to the panel on worship .
20 In virtue of expressing the belief that it is raining the statement ‘ It is raining says or asserts that it is raining .
21 In advance of the annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) , the Icelandic government has announced that it is leaving the organization , having given the requisite six months notice .
22 If a bank is not recognized , it can not use the word ‘ bank ’ in its title ( unless it is an overseas bank operating in the UK and it is made clear that it is using the title ‘ bank ’ because it is entitled to do so in its country of origin ) .
23 Intel stresses that there are no problems with the P5 and that it is taking the opportunity of strong demand for the 80486 family to spend longer testing the highly complex new chip in the hope of avoiding the bugs that plagued the 80486 in its early days .
24 Intel Corp has confirmed a report in the San Francisco Chronicle that it will delay introduction of its Pentium microprocessor until May , but denies the paper 's assertion that it is holding the chip back to exploit demand for existing 80486 products .
25 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
26 It is also used to produce dried flowers , fitting perhaps , now that it is preserving the flower of the ancient Egyptian fleet .
27 Shrugging off the distressing four-day kidnapping ordeal of its president , Adobe Systems Inc , Mountain View , California has come out with a whole string of announcements , headlined by the news that it is to make the Display PostScript system available to users of Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations .
28 My name 's Derek in any profit-making org organisation the results shown by the playhouse would have automatically brought about a change of management or does the Chairman of the Harlow theatre trust still consider that it is running the business very smoothly ?
29 IBM Corp reckons that it is so vital to its future to gain possession of it that it is betting the company on making a success of OS/2 2.0 .
30 The trampling movements are intended to stimulate her milk flow and when these are done by the wool-sucking cat they reveal that it is treating the piece of woollen material as a surrogate mother .
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