Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 He was so frightened that I went to look for the animal .
2 WHEN CHRIS OWEN , Head of Natural History Publications at the Natural History Museum , published a painting of mosses that I had done for the National Museum of Wales , I had no idea that it would lead to a further and more exciting job offer , so a call out of the blue from Chris was a welcome surprise .
3 However , despite the fact that I had to pay for the survey , the society will not allow me to have a copy of the report .
4 I found it so enjoyable that I wanted to register for the complete game .
5 The exchange between them had been painful , but there was something so honest and open about it that she felt freed for the first time in months from her painful awareness of him as a man .
6 To our relief , she missed out on all the formalities except for a perfunctory cry of ‘ GamBei ’ ( ‘ Down the hatch ’ ) and ‘ Greetings to our British friends ’ , and concentrated on tucking into the excellent meal — she gave the impression that she had come for the food and drink and nothing else .
7 He bared her breasts ; put his tongue to them as his hands went down to the belt of her skirt , to find that she 'd changed for the trip , and was wearing jeans .
8 Within the assembly council I personally valued your contributions the very courteous and thoughtful way in which you presented these and the courage with which you expressed at times the stand that you had to take for the interest of the Board .
9 I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last , in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press , and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you .
10 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
11 The CDU parliamentary group had accused Gies ( who had headed the CDU list but had not won a direct seat in the October 1990 Landtag election ) of obliging three other CDU delegates to resign after that election by alleging that they had worked for the former East German " Stasi " security police .
12 For instance : 70 per cent of all employees who were asked said that they liked working for the company .
13 By the mid-1980s the Thatcher government was coming under increasingly embarrassing criticism that it had opted for the second style of social policy .
14 It turns out that the Heston Club team has lost a title that it had held for the past few years .
15 In the run-up to recognition , the commander of the Second Military District , General Milutin Kukanjao , hinted strongly that he wished to opt for the second option .
16 That he 'd arranged for the bank to cash cheques on his and my signature until all this is settled . ’
17 Still half dazed by shock , lashed by rage and a deeper pain she told herself was grief for Edmund , Isabel forgot the fleeting moments when fitzAlan had shown her tenderness despite his suspicions , forgot that he had asked for the truth .
18 The men from Big Blue originally came to Microsoft 's founder , Bill Gates , to license the programming languages that he had written for the early personal-computer enthusiasts , most of whom had built their own machines .
19 He put one of their cocktail nuts into my mouth off a silver tray that he had balanced for the moment on the washbasin , and set himself to work on my mascara .
20 Her general condition was so weak that he had arranged for the doctors to take special care of her , financially assisted as usual by Theo .
21 Physics realised 67 per cent ; History a promising 77 per cent ; and Mathematics was strongest of all , with an average of 77 per cent over three subjects : algebra I and II at 72 per cent and 80 per cent , geometry at 86 per cent and trigonometry at 70 per cent ; ( he admitted to us that he had opted for the latter at school , because it enabled him to evade Latin ! ) .
22 The issue had already had a major impact during the election campaign , when Wolfgang Schnur , a human rights lawyer in Rostock and the leader of Democratic Awakening , resigned his post on March 14 after admitting that he had worked for the Stasi .
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