Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb -s] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But where she differs from Miss Finlay Johnson is that she looks beyond the facts to more universal implications of any particular topic .
2 If she wants to find her relatives , I suggest that she looks in the villages .
3 Our Agent advises that we indicate that £25,000 is the lowest acceptable offer and that she pays for the alteration .
4 But , owing to the fact that on the ebb tide water movement is confined to the depressions , the sediment deposited will not accumulate in the depressions to the same extent that it accumulates on the ridges .
5 The rate of breakdown of organic detritus is only modest in the temperate grasslands , so that it accumulates in the soil .
6 Subsequently , at a speech to UNICE on 22 July , Gillian Shephard , the British employment secretary and current chair of the EC Council of Social Affairs Ministers , stated that the Government will be reviewing European Community legislation on social and employment matters to ensure that it conforms with the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ .
7 The sadness of what is in effect the breakup of the comprehensive system is that it occurs at the point when the system was reaching a confidence and maturity which demonstrated that it could meet the demands of the late twentieth century .
8 These data suggest that the state 's contribution of resources to elderly households through the provision of support services is , for most services , not substantial and that it varies with the type of household .
9 ‘ The club is unique , and we want to see it develop so that it compares with the Queen 's Rugby Club , that is serving as a platform to provide some of the country 's top players .
10 He concluded by stating that he had been ‘ compelled to trench on political questions as well as economic — because I feel we are approaching a situation that is so grave that it compares with the War , when we were compelled to act together in self-defence ’ .
11 Marxists argue that it derives from the needs of the capitalist mode of production , while elite theorists see it as an institutional-bureaucratic coincidence of interest .
12 Caffeine abolishes the apparent cooperativity of InsP 3 -induced calcium release , suggesting that it interferes with the event that couples the binding of InsP 3 to subsequent channel opening .
13 Philippe Roy prefers to do without , because he feels that it interferes with the flavour of a fine oil .
14 It 's tempting , when fitting a permanent substitute for the battery , to rewire the existing on-off switch so that it operates on the mains supply to the transformer primary .
15 Later , he comments on this , as follows : ‘ In treating of the development of the notion of thought , we may regard as primitive the child 's conviction that it thinks with the mouth .
16 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
17 The thick canopy of leaves and branches disperse the rainwater so that it falls on the ground softly and evenly , avoiding floods .
18 They pump oxygen into the bloodstream , so that it passes through the heart and reaches the working muscles .
19 That is to say , the infant must convert stimulation from light rays , sound waves , from the speech stream into the appropriate representational grist if it is to get the kind of information that it requires from the world ; but this gleaning of information does not constitute thought .
20 It seems clear then that the Formalist position on all these issues ( authors , reality and ideas ) is not just an arbitrary preference , but that it stems from the concepts of defamiliarisation and literariness , whose differential basis will always serve to define literature in opposition to the things that it was traditionally viewed as expressing .
21 Then , grasping the shoe and using its heel as a club , smite the biscuit tin lid with such force that it flies across the room and the egg plops into the glass , unbroken .
22 Chair , I 'd like to challenge standing orders on motion three O one , an example being in the part-time workers ' qualification into it was done by a recommendation of and we therefore request that it stays on the agenda .
23 Recent work has shown that the types of deposit produced by different kinds of eruption can be recognized by objective criteria such as the total volume of material erupted , the distance that it travels from the vent , the degree of fragmentation , and the range of particle sizes present at any point .
24 There is a particularly fine example in the last pas de deux of La Fille Mal Gardée where Lise and Colas weave themselves into an embrace which is so tender , gentle and loving that it arrives at the end of a phrase as the most natural thing in the world .
25 For example , if we consider the English phoneme , it is easy to show that it differs from the plosives and in its place of articulation ( alveolar ) , from in being lenis , from and in not being fricative , from in not being nasal , and so on .
26 Er , er my understanding to , to er about five minutes ago was that you were saying we have not failed to perform our legal obligations under clause nine , because clause nine er is either wholly or to be extent that it relates to the underwriting which we disapprove partially invalid out of being part of the erm , the anti competitive of erm the argument you 're pursuing .
27 The above form is essentially objective , in that it relates to the objects of local government , e.g. education , health , highways , etc .
28 The most likely understanding of this letter is that it relates to the subscription proposals .
29 In the American flickers , close cousins to woodpeckers , the tongue is so long that it extends beyond the eye-socket into the upper beak , entering through the right nostril so that the bird can only breathe through its left .
30 Corruption , and the way that it extends from the top to bottom of society in American cities , is the subject of ‘ City of Hope ’ , John Sayles ' new film that was shown at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival in America and in the market at Cannes .
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