Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Not that she 'd had much time to explore it , of course .
2 Fran wished that it had been further away , wished that she 'd had more time to compose herself and remove all traces of that kiss , but as she opened the door and got out of the car when they stopped in front of the neat little semi she was aware of the throbbing redness of her bruised lips , the faintly dishevelled state of her silvery hair .
3 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
4 Thomas grunted that they had wasted enough time and must continue on their journey .
5 I 'm hoping that it has worked this time .
6 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
7 It is uncertain what weight can be placed on the evidence of a medieval Welsh triad which refers to Eadwine as nurtured in Môn ( Anglesey ) , implying that he had spent some time — perhaps while in exile — on the island , but set into the earliest surviving Welsh tradition is the memory of armed conflict between Eadwine and Cadwallon .
8 One only wishes that he had spent more time gaining a perspective outside America .
9 He had himself frequently led patrols along the narrow roads and boreens that ran like veins through the countryside about Cork , and before that he had spent more time than he cared to remember in the muddy trenches and dug-outs of France with shells screaming overhead .
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