Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 1865 Salon did exhibit Manet 's Olympia but quickly moved it to a place that made viewing almost impossible for the public .
2 These words sum up her intention and feelings , expressing the result of two years of preparation for a show that came to mean so much for the many artists participating in the event .
3 The head of the figure at the extreme left , for instance , is different in colour from those of the central figures , and even different from the body to which it is attached ; in it the pale pinks that had characterized so much of the work of 1906 have been mixed with black to produce a much more sombre effect .
4 ‘ With all the stuff that had gone on prior to the match and then the conditions we had to play in , the result could have been worse for Rangers but for our goalkeeper , ’ Gough admitted .
5 When Nathan ordered her to set up and engage the auto-helm she tried , desperately searching a mind that had gone totally blank for the sequence which would ensure that the boat remained on course .
6 Symbolism had been fun in his early days with her , but it was something that had turned very sour in a live-in situation .
7 Share prices that had remained nervously stable during the morning fell dramatically once interest rates began to rise .
8 Moorlands , mountains and hills crowded round on every side ; seas shimmered azure , emerald , green and blue in August sunlight ; the scent of peat smoke filled the air and we drove through a landscape that had remained almost unchanged for a thousand years .
9 Carved into the stone was more of the same type of repulsive alien art that had become so familiar over the past couple of days .
10 Mother never stopped telling me she did n't care for the lax morals that had become so fashionable since the outbreak of the war .
11 Mr Nightingale had been a wartime soldier in a fairly respectable regiment ( George 's opinion as an excavalryman ) and while he had filled out to a pink-and-white chubbiness he still wore a small military moustache that had stayed loyally ginger as a reminder of the Desert campaign .
12 The day that had loomed so large in everybody 's minds , 25 November , began grey and dull .
13 She looked back over that stormy summer and was surprised to see each scene , even the ones that had seemed rather painful at the time , shining with an almost holy silver light .
14 The ring that had seemed so small for just two men was suddenly full of ecstatic members of the Lewis camp .
15 And when I left them , the thing that had seemed so horrible to me was transformed into happiness of body and soul for me . "
16 After having lost over fourteen hours to the weather , the game was called off with the score at 227 for 6 declared , and a series that had promised so much with its exciting start fizzled out meaninglessly , with almost seven of the twenty-five playing days lost .
17 Bernice tried to focus her mind on the report , which featured outbreaks of a mystery virus that had wiped out millions in the barrios of Brasilia , Los Angeles and Tycho City .
18 The eighteen morning survivors in 1989 were the remnants of an army that had numbered over fifty in 1900 .
19 The Hanoverians inherited a system of taxation which was already shifting away from the taxes on land and immovable property that had provided almost half of government income under the later Stuarts .
20 Field studies would become scientific by adopting the techniques of measurement and quantification that had proved so effective in the ‘ hard sciences ’ .
21 In January an armoured car of the type that had proved so useful to Trotsky 's campaign blocked the Tashkent-Moscow line and held up a locomotive that had been seized by an armed gang .
22 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
23 For the astonishing fact is that Malcolm Allison , soccer 's oldest boss at 65 , has revitalised a Bristol Rovers side that had won only two of 16 games before he took over from the sacked Dennis Rofe a month ago .
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