Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And it was in this room , quietly and simply , that Morse told her of the death of Theodore Kemp , considering , in his own strange fashion , that it was perhaps not an inappropriate time for her to know .
2 He dreamt that Lucie threw him from the parapet of a bridge into deep water , with a stone statue of Garvey tied round his neck .
3 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
4 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
5 Cambridge also contained a strong ‘ republican ’ group at this time , and while there is no proof that Wordsworth joined them at the University we find that he freely associated with ex-Cambridge liberals after his return from France in 1793 .
6 Alice Fell was such a stumbling-block that Wordsworth withdrew it from the 1820 edition of his poems .
7 So obviously you just write down that Rita did it on the 10th .
8 But it is not only through his healings and exorcisms that Jesus shows himself as the bearer of the Spirit : he claims it explicitly in the controversy with the scribes about Beelzebub ( apparently another name for Satan , conceived of as ‘ lord of the house ’ ) .
9 It was not until autumn that Jennifer found herself in the city again .
10 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
11 The trouble was that Baldwin did it by the methods he had forsworn and that his words and his style of appeal had become alienated front his actions .
12 I read somewhere that Charlton chased him round the goal for this , is that true ? ?
13 This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform .
14 And that Mini frightened me on the motorway .
15 The following evening , when Kathy came to check on her , it was obvious that Clare blamed her for the shape she was in .
16 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
17 Perhaps the answer is that Puddephat killed himself at the flat ? ’
18 ‘ Between ourselves , ’ she said , ‘ Ralph claims that James cheated him over the sale of Carinish Court .
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