Example sentences of "that [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Blue Boar was dropped and replaced by Blue Steel Mk 1 , an inertially guided cruise missile with a range of 100 nautical miles that eventually came into service with the V Force in 1962 as part of Britain 's Independent Nuclear Deterrent .
2 In their natural state , such lands are characterised by large herds of herbivores that seasonally migrate in tune with biomass availability , so it is not surprising that overgrazing and land degradation ensue .
3 If people are exposed to the variety of opinions that normally exist in relation to any major issue , the likelihood of their being easily manipulated by unscrupulous opinion-makers is greatly reduced .
4 Similarly , in the case of the universe , could it be that we are living in a region that just happens by chance to be smooth and uniform ?
5 The extraordinary generation of NO induced by endotoxin could explain the absence of motor activity that usually occurs in association with gall bladder infection .
6 We passed a few minutes in the exchanges that usually pass for conversation between people who know each other slightly and have no real business connection .
7 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
8 The same regions that once benefited from growth in these industries have , subsequently , suffered economic decline and depression .
9 July 2nd is the date for the best Barn Dance that ever swung into range from behind bales of hay .
10 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
11 One must also mention the limitations that still exist for employment of females in the catering industry in the Middle East .
12 Their wails and screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid .
13 Soft-bodied , voracious molluscs that often shelter by day beneath leaves and plant debris , and feed at night .
14 Marshall , the court held that a charge applied to factory machinery which had replaced that originally used as security for the repayment of a substantial debt .
15 ‘ He evolved in such a way that really came to life for me , ’ she says .
16 Have to think about it but the name that immediately springs to mind for most of them is Russell Grant .
17 The Tannoy announces the opening of the buffet , and up we get , not stopping for an instant to reflect that even standing in line for seven hours outside Moscow 's GUM department store in pursuit of half a mouldy cabbage would be a more profitable venture than a futile pilgrimage to a British Rail catering outlet .
18 One is the failure to understand the radical hostility of communism to mankind as a whole — the failure to realise that communism is irredeemable , that there exist no ‘ better' ’ variants of communism : that it is incapable of growing ‘ ‘ kinder' ’ , that it can not survive as an ideology without using terror and that consequently to co-exist with communism on the same planet is impossible .
19 Cute and sweet are not adjectives that readily spring to mind on surveying the stage wardrobe of Andi , the blonde frontwoman of local cover band Sunshine .
20 In a word-association test , joy , gioa , Gaudium et Spes , are not terms that readily spring to mind in his connection .
21 PREGNANCY ( or GESTATION ) — A status or condition of a woman that ordinarily begins with implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus , and lasts until the fetus is aborted or a birth occurs .
22 So erm I mean the justification for this kind of course I would claim is ultimately to try and make people more realistic about what is possible and er the , because th th the advantage of knowing what 's possible is you can avoid impossible experiments that ultimately result in disaster for everyone .
23 It is , in fact , impossible to find any poisonous animal that actively goes in search of victims unless it is feeding .
24 Dodder propagates either from seeds or clonally from broken-off segments of the vine that accidentally come in contact with a fresh host .
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