Example sentences of "that [pron] who [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is important for us all to remember that everyone who shared in the meeting did so out of good conscience and with a genuine desire to find God 's will for us .
2 IT 'S THE nightmare that everyone who lives near a big airport dreads .
3 Perhaps the most astonishing fact to emerge was that nobody who lived round the plant , not even farmer Clive Knox , could claim compensation for any accident from their own insurance company .
4 The cliffs themselves are banted back in order to make them safe from rock falls and so forth , but they , they do still suffer from weathering attack by rain , by frost , and the combination of salt from spray and frost is quite damaging , so that anybody who walks along the undercliff knows that in winter , for example , you tend to get a sludge of erm white erm finely divided wet chalk which sledges off erm cliff , particularly those people in recent years who 've walked behind the marina , where it no longer gets washed off by the high tide erm where Brighton Corporation have to keep trying to remove it .
5 " This Meeting consider themselves authorised to regulate the practice to be hereafter adopted in Smithies — and direct now that he who comes to the smithy first prepared for work shall have preference in finishing all his work of every kind before any other can pretend to interfere . "
6 I was not from a religious background , and I had previously thought that anyone who went to the mikva had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses with thick tights and live in a Yiddish-speaking ghetto !
7 It stated that anyone who moved into a property valued at less that £10 a year could be sent back to the place where he or she was last legally settled if they were likely to become chargeable to the poor rates .
8 Had the above account been a linguistic account , an explanation of the meaning of ‘ legitimate authority ’ , it would have followed that anyone who believes of a person that he has legitimate authority believes that that person satisfies the condition set by the justification thesis .
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