Example sentences of "that [pron] have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was highly delighted , especially when she learned that she had been the only woman called for interview ; she had been certain that the job would go to one of the male applicants .
2 Guilty that she had been the lucky one .
3 She looked behind and concentrated on speeding backwards down the track , giving silent thanks that she had been the last to arrive .
4 It had never counted for anything that she 'd been the innocent victim , that she 'd had no control over the events which had shaped her life — she 'd carried the burden with her , locked into her soul , and at least that way she 'd felt relatively safe .
5 Something has got to give and that something has been the vast majority of Third World people .
6 Now what , what was emerging in the end of last week 's discussion was that there 's been the agrarian land law , land law of er October nineteen forty seven , absolute egalitarianism and a recognition certainly by the spring of nineteen forty eight that that had overstepped the mark at least in terms of its implementation in that it had in particular led to the encroachment of middle
7 In order to give the House of Lords a more effective role in the governmental process ( and in order to buttress its position against the threat of abolition ) there is the recognition that it needs to secure increased public support , and in order to secure that there has been the dawning realisation that changes are needed in the composition of the second chamber .
8 But I have to say that they 've been the major percent of them er we think if only they would knuckle down to it they would do it .
9 By the week 's end the proctologist was saying that it had been the best goddamned vacation he had ever taken , and as we passed the bunkering moorings near McIllvanney 's yard I saw him take Ellen aside and I guessed he was offering her a job .
10 A second independent miners ' congress , held in Donetsk ( Ukraine ) , ended with a declaration on Oct. 26 that it had been the founding congress of an independent miners ' trade union .
11 There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain .
12 Unfortunately it seems that it has been the agricultural ministry which has won the debate , and Britain is merely tinkering with the problem .
13 To say that it has been the poorer for it is not to denigrate the work that was done .
14 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
15 It is not clear however that it has been the stronger adversary which has done so , rather than a weaker party with its back to the wall .
16 what I most often heard when I phoned people a couple of days in was that it 's been the worst two days of my life !
17 Rufus could not remember the man 's name , only that he had been the second visitor to Wyvis Hall , the gardener being the first .
18 He knew that he had been the only really close friend and confidant of Modigliani from 1907 to 1914 , until they were separated by the war .
19 Buckingham did not realise at first that he had been the only one to get over the 23rd fence at the first attempt .
20 Sir John Fastolf , involved in a long drawn-out lawsuit in Paris between 1432 and 1435 , could remind the court that he had been the first to jump into the sea when Henry V had come ashore in France in 1415 , and that the king had rewarded him with the grant of the first house which he had seen in France .
21 He had taken some comfort from the fact that he had been the last man to board the cage , so at least he could watch Yorky and the others exit , before his turn came .
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