Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to say that I remember something about the rest of that walk but I do n't , only that it rained , then it rained some more , and when it got fed up with that , it rained again .
2 You wo n't accept that I knew nothing about the drugs , yet you want my word ?
3 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
4 Not that I knew anything about the area of course .
5 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
6 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
7 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’
8 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’ — Coursebooks for the '90s , EFL Gazette
9 still a human error even though you know how to do it , and we can not guarantee that you 'll do it so it , so it is , the , it is very important that nobody takes anything off the shelf automatically assume
10 Not that she had anything against the vicar personally , though it had been hard to forgive his refusal of her request for an ‘ Animals ’ Sunday' to which people might bring their pets to be blessed .
11 Mrs. Steed , too , insisted that she knew nothing of the sale .
12 She denied that she knew anything about the power of attorney .
13 Tension had given her a dull , thumping headache so that she absorbed nothing except the first entry on the list .
14 Expertly his hands began their slow , feverish exploration of her bare skin , tormenting as they sought to inflame her further and further so that she forgot everything but the pleasure he could bring her .
15 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
16 The severity of her head injuries — when found she had lost 75 per cent of her blood and remained unconscious for almost six weeks — meant that she remembered nothing of the attack .
17 A special ‘ Old Town Walk ’ leaflet is available to ensure that you miss none of the highlights !
18 And I 'm going to point out two or three things why it 's absolutely essential that you tell everything over the phone .
19 Portlington was a public school so minor that you got none of the cachet for having been there that is the real point of an English public school education .
20 ‘ We have reason to believe that you recently broke into Taigh na Tuir , the house belonging to Mr Hamilton here , and that you know something of the whereabouts of two valuable guns . ’
21 Reworking the question into a related generalisation , on the other hand , shows that you understand something of the complexities it contains .
22 That we close everything on the on the phone .
23 And who knows what may come of Labour 's long-overdue admission that we need someone in the cabinet specifically to fight our corner ?
24 But with the sales of that are going on , there are needs to move tenants around and make alterations to boundaries and buildings , as we split up holdings , so I would say Chair , it 's essential that we have something in the kitty to do this work , I mean , it 's obviously far exceeded by the capital receipts that the revue is generating .
25 We tend to view ourselves as physical beings only and to deny that we have anything in the way of a soul or spirit .
26 He thought , when this Lieutenant Colonel came back to him and said , oh my God the police budget 's in problems , we 've got em here , that they put something onto the council agenda .
27 Nonetheless , the absence of labourers is more apparent than real : the local practice of not assessing goods of less value than £2 did not mean that any personal property owned by people of the labouring sort was generally ignored , for a good many men later taxed on wages owned goods worth anything up to £10 in 1522 , which ( unless perhaps having disposed of , say , a beast or two ) they managed to conceal from the taxman and convince him that they had nothing but the minimum in wages .
28 Not that they had anything against the original character or film ; far from it .
29 Then in a tobacconist 's window she saw ‘ cigars ’ marked fourpence and thought that they looked something like the kind she had seen Chignell buying the other night .
30 Though such rumours can not be proved , they are so endemic that they suggest something of the sort has been occurring .
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