Example sentences of "that [modal v] be [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
2 The AWB also controls the length of the working week and the allowances that may be made in the weekly wage for various payments in kind .
3 ‘ THIS RECORD might be the stuff of tragi-comedy , but the funereal tune with cumbersome guitars and world-weary singing kills any irony that may be hidden in the lyrics . ’
4 The following error messages are those that may be reported in the RDBI error log file while running LIFESPAN RDBI .
5 Additional details of other entries that may be found in the certificate ( eg notices ) are set out later in this chapter .
6 ( 1983 ) contrast warm and cold periods ( 1934–53 and 1901–20 respectively ) as scenarios to highlight seasonal differences in Europe that may be experienced in the future .
7 This is especially relevant with his tank containing Tufa rock , as there is evidence that this rock absorbs copper , endangering any inverts that may be added in the future , should they sit on the rock .
8 The following details an outline of the points that should be covered in the report :
9 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
10 ICL Plc has applied to register a subsidiary in Slovenia , a formality that should be completed in the next few weeks , and despite renewed conflict in Croatia , the company says it is still ‘ business as usual ’ .
11 Although all the steps ( a ) to ( d ) were completed by the balance sheet date , some would argue that as the redundancy costs are to be incurred in the next year , they are not liabilities that should be recognised in the current year 's accounts .
12 There are , therefore , other items that should be included in the contents of such a Grammar .
13 Here is a purely personal set of preferences as to the parameters that should be included in the new editorial guidelines .
14 Software for most econometric analyses that should be included in the packages which the Centre is producing is already available from academic sources .
15 As regards the distribution of lands between the districts , erm if I can refer to Mr Curtis 's comments first , the Greater York study never anticipated that the distribution of housing around the Greater York the districts would be based around the percentage of population within those districts , but purely on capacity of sites within those districts to accommodate future housing growth without compromising greenbelt objectives , Ryedale , as I 've said before , has taken the largest proportion of recent housing in the Greater York area , and has identified a substantial amount of new land for housing within its Southern Ryedale local plan , what the District Council is concerned about is that within the local , Southern Ryedale local plans , this is taking a large proportion of its district wide total plans , yet the District Council from the structure plan figure given is unable to calculate the remainder of housing that should be allocated in the remainder of its district .
16 You also need to be aware of certain precautions that should be taken in the handling , preparing and storing of food .
17 You also need to be aware of certain precautions that should be taken in the handling , preparing and storing of food .
18 the grammatical pattern of a language ( as opposed to its lexical stock ) determines those aspects of each experience that must be expressed in the given language .
19 But this takes out a philosophical loan that must be repaid in the post-philosophical sciences which explain the affinity in question .
20 The principle that a mortgagee is entitled to add to the secured debt his costs , charges and expenses properly incurred is , therefore , firmly embedded in the law and is the principle underlying express contractual provisions such as those that must be construed in the present case .
21 Sch 6 to the 1992 regulations sets out the information in respect of associated bodies that must be included in the notes to societies ' accounts .
22 Is it really necessary for a person to leave a body behind , a body that must be buried in the ground or thrown into a fire ?
23 The kind of questions that might be asked in the context are whether the proposal could have wide effects beyond the immediate locality , whether it could give rise to regional or national controversy and whether it could conflict with national policy .
24 A general problem that might be explored in the other place is how , if there is to be such a separation , we can ensure that fruitful , easy relationships continue to exist .
25 The surveyor will pull up carpets and crawl into the loft , looking for defects that might be missed in the valuation survey .
26 His actions were deliberate , his trained eye looking for any bugs that might be hidden in the room .
27 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
28 We would also welcome any suggestions you may have on subjects that might be included in the programme .
29 Within main classes , the schedules must meet requirements in respect of their ability to cover all subjects and all the relationships that might be encountered in the literature to which the scheme will be applied .
30 Two bedrooms and the best furniture that could be made in the Factory .
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