Example sentences of "that [conj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is a parent 's or guardian 's statutory responsibility to ensure children 's regular attendance at school , schools generally see it as their responsibility to monitor attendance , to seek explanation from parents for pupils ' non-attendance and to ensure that once pupils come to school they attend their classes .
2 He could leave her if there was a child ; and he knew , as all his friends agreed that night , that if England went to war with Germany , Ireland might remain neutral , but they could not .
3 This suggest that if manufacturers spend on training , it is difficult for rivals to achieve the level of competitiveness that will allow them to poach workers or markets .
4 The plaintiffs , a firm of advertising agents , booked advertising on behalf of E , a customer , on terms that if E defaulted on payment the plaintiffs would have to pay .
5 It appears that unless people go to work in some landscape recognisable to L. S. Lowry , their jobs , conditions and efforts are not worth talking about .
6 During the course of the hearing before us , however , it became clear , as Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. has explained , that unless W. submitted to treatment of the kind which she had hitherto refused she would begin to suffer irreversible harm within a week .
7 One of Einstein 's insights was to infer that because mass generalizes to mass/energy in SR it must be this mass/energy that causes the curvature of space–time .
8 Through the whole of their period in office , the Government have supported efforts to do away with apartheid and to ensure that when change came with President de Klerk , there would be a start towards a new constitution and the transitional arrangements that are now being discussed within the Conference for a Democratic South Africa .
9 Tony and I reckon that when Matt goes to heaven he 'll have his nose in an Ordnance Survey Map and he 'll be saying , " If I remember rightly there should be an old bloke around here with long grey hair and a grey beard and a long white nightie on .
10 It is possible that when Gandhi speaks of Religion , what he may be referring to is not an ‘ essence ’ or a ‘ primordial element ’ or a transcendental unity' , but the faith of men which expresses itself in a variety of different forms .
11 Can it be , that when Gandhi refers to morality without religion as being similar to a house built on sand he is simply expressing in a different way his belief in the convertibility of these terms rather than suggesting that morality has to be related to a particular religion ?
12 Sydel told him that when Jeopardy argued with Amber , it was never about love , but always about the Vibrancy .
13 Some say that when dragons moved above ground , fairies assumed ownership of many of the caves and mounds and the treasure therein .
14 They say that when people get into formation dancing in clubs , then the avant garde starts to improvise , and vice-versa .
15 He says that when people return to work after a holiday there is a lot of disruption and decreased productivity as a result of ‘ holiday infection that contaminates everyone around the person who has been away ’ .
16 Now there has been a discussion about integration and segregation but I do n't think that when people talk about integration they mean geriatric , psychogeriatric and young chronic sick all under the one roof .
17 The theory of demographic transition suggests that as nations move towards maturity that the decline in death rates , occasioned by higher living standards , will be followed by a decline in birth rates to a more or less similar level .
18 From eqn ( 9.4 ) it is quite clear that as r tends toward rO then t tends to infinity .
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