Example sentences of "that [verb] be [vb pp] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Any precious metal that has been manufactured in some way , including coins used for ornament .
2 Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that there will be outrage tonight in my constituency and in that of my hon. Friend the Member for Falkirk , East ( Mr. Ewing ) at his betrayal of the trust that has been placed in that hospital by the people in its care ?
3 The distributed aspect contrasts sharply with the lumped nature of circuit representation of discrete components that has been adopted in all networks considered so far .
4 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
5 It is whether we are prepared to destroy the tripartite system that has been developed in this country since the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act of eighteen thirty five and the Local Government Act of eighteen eighty eight , for make no mistake about it Clause two of this Bill effectively destroys the careful balance that has been developed over more than a century between chief officers , local police authorities and the Home Secretary .
6 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
7 It is unlikely that a single explanation can fully account for a human activity that has been defined in such varied ways .
8 In Section 8–2 , we outline the one-sector equilibrium growth model that has been used in most treatments of the dynamic effects of taxation .
9 One European scientist noted the potential military danger of a biological weapon containing vomitoxin , a substance that has been found in some of the samples of yellow rain .
10 Indeed , after the lord pope had heard sufficient arguments from both parties , he decreed with the authority of the apostolic see that the same archbishop should demolish the church at his own expense , revoking completely everything that had been done in this matter .
11 Um she looked for um she looked at er a survey of two thousand odd adults that had been conducted in this country .
12 She did not want to pretend pleasure at being here and she did not want to witness even more proof of the life that had been led in this house , all of it with her father .
13 It is claimed that no society can maintain high fertility in the face of two generations of mass education , and that had been achieved in much of Western Europe by the end of the nineteenth century ( Caldwell 1982 ) .
14 We chose acupuncture points that had been used in most experiments with acupuncture analgesia , as well as in the two previous clinical studies , both of which were of electroacupuncture .
15 Records can be retrieved directly from files that have been organized in many ways .
16 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
17 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
18 That regeneration project is a flea on a dog 's back into the jobs that have been lost in that area at the moment .
19 The matters that have been highlighted in this report are as relevant now as those which necessitated the formings of the nineteen seventy eight and nineteen ninety congress resolutions .
20 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
21 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
22 I hope that the Home Secretary will consider all the suggestions that have been made in this sensible debate .
23 That is indeed part of their strategy but the fact of the matter is that the county council is wholly implicated in the efforts that have been made in this erm county over the last couple of years to get large scale inward investment .
24 But this image of autonomy and of the self can be threatening , too , to women who do have a strong allegiance to feminism ; and the threat intersects with assumptions that have been made in some feminist discourse about who is or is not ‘ really ’ a feminist .
25 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
26 I intend to reinforce and highlight some of the recommendations that have been mentioned in many thoughtful contributions this afternoon and I will pose a series of questions to the Minister , whom I welcome to her first estimates debate .
27 Heavy lift and enhanced intelligence capability are two very specific matters that have been considered in those forums .
28 Because that 's a list he 's , of erm , he 's showing there of crimes that have been committed in this area er since
29 From the large numbers that have been found in this country ‘ key rings ’ must have been both popular and fashionable items : they also served a practical purpose for at the time pockets were not known .
30 Now I 've used that as an illustration because I think these are some of the best materials that have been produced in this country , but there are other learning inventories and tests which can be used to help teachers find out whether they think that children have got these dyslexic difficulties .
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