Example sentences of "that [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
2 Any precious metal that has been manufactured in some way , including coins used for ornament .
3 We now shall take up an issue that has been touched on several times before : power transformation of the scale of a variable in order to make its analysis easier .
4 The visually handicapped pupils attending an ordinary school may be greatly helped by a physical and social environment that has been planned with some sensitivity to their special needs while retaining a challenging or ‘ normal ’ character .
5 In reaching his decision he founded himself on the only reported case as far as we know that has been decided under this provision ; it is the decision of the Court of Appeal in Brown v Liverpool Corporation [ 1969 ] 3 AER 1345 .
6 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
7 Despite the considerable progress that has been made under this Government in encouraging employee share ownership , will the Minister take careful note of the recent KPMG Management Consulting report which shows ways in which the qualifying employee-share option trusts can be made more flexible and therefore likely to be more widely used by companies and available to more employees in subsequent years of Conservative government ?
8 Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that there will be outrage tonight in my constituency and in that of my hon. Friend the Member for Falkirk , East ( Mr. Ewing ) at his betrayal of the trust that has been placed in that hospital by the people in its care ?
9 The distributed aspect contrasts sharply with the lumped nature of circuit representation of discrete components that has been adopted in all networks considered so far .
10 I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed .
11 I therefore proceed to examine the further evidence that has been tendered on that basis .
12 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
13 ‘ To disturb them after all the work that has been done over many years would be a disaster . ’
14 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
15 It is whether we are prepared to destroy the tripartite system that has been developed in this country since the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act of eighteen thirty five and the Local Government Act of eighteen eighty eight , for make no mistake about it Clause two of this Bill effectively destroys the careful balance that has been developed over more than a century between chief officers , local police authorities and the Home Secretary .
16 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
17 That is something that has been canvassed on many , many occasions .
18 I mean , I think a lot of national organisations that are giving , I trust that are giving money to people actually do want to know that sort of detail about where the money is going , because , if I go through this , I mean , I would have to say that I should imagine that a very small percentage of the money that has been collected on these flag days will actually get back into Oxfordshire .
19 It is unlikely that a single explanation can fully account for a human activity that has been defined in such varied ways .
20 Further consideration is recommended on the subject of removing tax disadvantages that arise on disincorporation , a problem that has been highlighted on several previous occasions .
21 Chairman , can I say briefly that the merger and I 'm quite pleased that we 've finally er there is a death knell to this this awful word , it 's been bandied on for far too long , it 's been perhaps the single most controversial issue that has been debated by this authority along with some other mediocre issues and no one here would not admit er to the fact that it has been opposed on such massive scale and even today we 've had a further petition of three hundred and ninety five people opposing er this this this dreadful merger decision that was hanging over the er the the two centres and I 'm pleased that er this this er amendment , this er er erm this petition was brought forward today because it does indicate the continuing support and opposition to er the the kind of things that we should be doing and and those that we should n't .
22 Where these projections of the formerly open central bay of the building are not glazed , they are finished in dark-stained timber , a treatment that has been applied to all new external and internal timberwork and is a conventional finish for the external woodwork of many local farm buildings .
23 This principle is a quite general one that has been applied to several ‘ dimensions ’ of personality .
24 This is the practice that has been followed for many years and by and large it has worked .
25 I share the doubt that has been expressed about that change .
26 The table was a specific response to a limited supply of 3in English oak that has been purchased without any clear purpose .
27 Now the Amendment that has been proposed for this and and the Noble Lord , Lord erm Amendment erm I think it 's Eleven , yes , er proposes something of this nature , but it does n't like co-option .
28 One solution that has been proposed for some words is ‘ reclaiming ’ — investing a negative word with a more positive meaning .
29 If he has no such evidence , does he think that the introduction of Sunday trading in Britain is likely to cause the kind of social and moral breakdown that has been suggested by some advocates of restrictions ?
30 I think Mr Chairman that the r the budget that has been put to all by this side of the house should be supported and I sincerely hope that er we will get support from others in this Council Chamber .
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