Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The right sort of literary experience can be like a nuclear explosion , whereas the ‘ human expressiveness ’ that Scholes detects in the humblest graffito is more like the low-level radioactivity that is always present in the natural environment .
2 It is suggested that views diverge on the central question of the rights of parents to custody and control of their children in relation to the right of the state ( acting through courts and social work agencies ) to intervene in the parent-child relationship , to remove children from their parents , to allocate their care and control to other parties , and to determine their subsequent upbringing .
3 Eliminating the risk element in electricity prices is the most important benefit that ICI expects from the planned 1725MW Enron power station on Teesside .
4 They argue that support acted as an antecedent protective factor , but as their data was not longitudinal , the relationships they found are open to alternative explanations .
5 Somewhat anomalously , reference may even be made to later statutes , to see the meaning that Parliament puts on the same words in a similar context .
6 It is certainly true that states have in the past used methods and means of warfare not outlawed by any specific prohibition although running counter to general principles , and they have sought to justify this by reference either to the principle of reprisal or that of military effectiveness .
7 To a large extent that ideology looked to the Roman past .
8 The title ‘ administrative criminology ’ is of significance in that it is the title that Vold gave to the classical criminology of Beccaria and Bentham ( as we saw in Chapter 1 ) .
9 Most readers will probably recall being explicitly taught the concept of the antonym at school ( I seem to recall that antonyms figured in the late , unlamented 11 + exam ) .
10 Once new laws have been passed , workplace action is needed to ensure that employers comply with the new legislation .
11 Indeed , the Treasury worked skilfully to maintain its separateness by ensuring that CEPS worked to the financial year ( April to April ) whilst the Economic Section prepared its Survey on a calendar year basis .
12 It was now that Nicandra fell into a sudden easy accord with Andrew .
13 The general consensous is that Kelly playing in the right back birth , instead of his normal striker role , had a brilliant game outshining everyone .
14 The contenders for a tribe 's leadership come from the group of especially large Orcs known as Big'uns — the closest that Orcs get to a ruling class .
15 the requirement that returns conform to a normal distribution ;
16 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
17 The moral justice that Nizan attributed to the Soviet state was heightened by the rise of fascism on the international scene , by the need for a popular front anti-fascist movement .
18 So blackly venomous was his expression that Perdita fled towards the next pitch , scattering the polo balls which lay like a hatch of goose eggs near the goal posts .
19 It shows the appalling deprivation and human loss that Russians suffered during the Second World War and the difficulty that children of the thirties had in adjusting to life in post-war Russia .
20 Even ITN has had to turn to CNN for some footage of the Gulf , but that does n't cause Phillis any problems : ‘ I 'm a great admirer — Turner 's done a marvellous job , ’ adding that while the US network has received plaudits for its Gulf coverage , it is merely returning the coverage that ITN provided of the Conservative leadership contest .
21 But a formidable argument has been developed in recent years by leading academic lawyers that this stream of authority should be the subject of reinterpretation to reveal a different line of thought pointing to the conclusion that money paid to a public authority pursuant to an ultra vires demand should be repayable , without the necessity of establishing compulsion , on the simple ground that there was no consideration for the payment .
22 It is in this context that proposals emerging from the Critical Legal Studies movement in the USA are of considerable interest , and in particular Roberto Unger 's conception of a self-revising institutional structure ‘ that would provide constant occasions to disrupt any fixed structure of power and co-ordination in social life ’ ( Unger , 1983 ) .
23 Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent , it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner .
24 We regret that queries sent without a stamped addressed envelope will not receive a reply .
25 We regret that queries sent without a stamped , addressed envelope will not receive a reply .
26 We regret that queries sent without a stamped , addressed envelope will not receive a reply .
27 We regret that queries sent without a stamped , addressed envelope will not receive a reply .
28 We regret that queries sent without a stamped , addressed envelope will not receive a reply .
29 Not any more , there aren't. — You must need your eyes testing ! — Anyway , that Lock sounds like a right dump to me .
30 It is significant that Kerschensteiner insisted on the practical and the theoretical being part of the same syllabus , with the former leading on to an appreciation of the latter : it meant that ‘ civic virtues ’ had to be practised in order for them to become meaningful .
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