Example sentences of "i do [verb] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 a point at the moment , with the life of the county , I think that we should great potential and great opportunity available to us , and I do hope that all members will er , and I 've written to all our members of parliament with a copy of my letter , er , I had I 've had er , I know it 's been the Christmas period , and that they 're only just getting back into things , and there 's been a lot of diversions at length , and I do have a letter from , er I heard from er , Edward , er , Mr Edward Lee , and and , I still have to hear it from er , the rest of them .
2 I hope it will be in all your club bars one of our bottles , we have distributed special bottles er sailor proof bottles I hope they are er which you put money in er very simply without any impediment and I do hope that all clubs will use those bottles and , and gather lots of money .
3 I do find that most people who come out here on short contracts are only looking for a paid holiday .
4 I do not know , but I do know that many homosexuals have not chosen to be homosexual but simply are that way .
5 How far this was true I do not know , but I do know that any suggestion from her to Harold Wilson was likely to receive an affirmative answer .
6 However , I do believe that this exchange together with the evidence I heard illustrates the understandable concern of the dock company to ensure that it would have unrestricted access to the port for itself and its sublessees who would operate there .
7 ‘ This is excellent , lad , and I do believe that this exercise is having a beneficial side-effect , namely an improvement in both your grammar and the general ordering of your still-immature intellect .
8 As I said on the second reading , I do believe that some areas will need to have larger authorities because of their size , or indeed their particular problems , geographical and otherwise .
9 Such characteristics as initiative , purposefulness , persistence and self-control are developed through sport and , while I am not sold on the idea of sport as a builder of ‘ character ’ , I do believe that these capacities serve important functions in self-actualization , that tendency of all human beings to develop their full potentialities .
10 I do understand that many people think wild animals roam over very large spaces and therefore feel cramped if they are kept in restricted areas but most have territories , areas which they mark out for themselves in various ways , and spend all their time inside these territories anyway and consequently they can consider their enclosure as being their own territory .
11 I do understand that some people with my condition have to take goodness knows how many tablets of one sort or another each and every day , so I suppose I am fortunate .
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