Example sentences of "i can [not/n't] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to the change to be made in the style of the elevations , I can not entertain the smallest doubt that an architect of your known talent and ability will find it an easy task to design an elevation in the Italian or Classic style …
2 I am prepared to raise a Library order for the remainder of this year 's reprint budget ( £215 ) , since I am not aware of any other potential reprint requirements , but I can not meet the full costs of the invoice .
3 I can not tell the hon. Gentleman now what my attitude will be at the end of a meeting that is due to take place on Wednesday because the whole purpose of that meeting is for negotiations to take place .
4 I regret I can not give the correct pronunciation of the Gaelic names of the mountains : I never mastered them , adopting instead roughly similar English equivalents ; thus , for example , Ceathreamhnan to me was Chrysanthemum …
5 I can not give the hon. Gentleman that figure at the moment , but it is essential that we use NHS buildings as effectively as we can .
6 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
7 I can not applaud the rosy vision of a senior colleague whose spirited defence of grading ( and rejection of profiles ) climaxed as follows :
8 I can not review the Rhodesian episode without regret , though it was a fascinating adventure with a disappointing , indeed from some points of view tragic , conclusion ; but it was the forerunner of the later ( Lancaster House ) agreement in 1979 and to that extent had some beneficial consequences , and it was , of course , useful as a background to new negotiations .
9 Without them I can not release the restless spirit in my bones .
10 However , I can not let the hon. Gentleman get away with it altogether .
11 I can not get the correct stationery ’
12 I can not share the same rooms . ’
13 On the question of the period between now and the general election , obviously I can not predict the exact course that events will follow .
14 I can not see the remotest reason for your worrying . ’
15 But I can not remember the German ones .
16 I can not remember the last time I had a proper meal without having a nice drop of wine to go with it .
17 Finally it was put to the vote , and while I can not recall the actual figures it was something like forty in favour of the UK proposal , about thirty abstentions and just one ( Bulgaria ! ) against .
18 I was suffering from a cold , the first for years — in fact I can not recall the last time I had a cold — and because the weather was nice the village was extremely busy with tourists and lots of traffic and people knocking on my door .
19 I can not accept the hon. Gentleman 's analysis .
20 I can not help the hon. Gentleman on the departure of Duncan Nichol or on its date , but I can help him on the point that I sought to make .
21 ( I can not help the dead . )
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