Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Says , I have loved you with an everlasting love !
2 Not a love that changes , not a love that starts when you become nice , not a love that , you know , that well if you , if you 've got , if you 've got it , it 's got it 's good days and it 's bad days I have loved you with an everlasting love says God !
3 The most important of these points are three in number , and I have expressed them for the sake of clarity in less technical and exact terminology than Halliday uses .
4 I have forgiven you for the same ! ’
5 I have followed him for a long time and his work just gets better and better .
6 In arriving at these estimates I have based them on the following estimations and assumptions :
7 Erm , tell me if I 'm repeating it , because I have said it to a couple of other groups I know , especially the Wednesday group .
8 I have moved it to a small paddock beyond the castle walls . ’
9 I have wanted you from the moment I saw you , wet and half-naked , on the deck of my motor-launch that night .
10 I have placed you in the gravest danger .
11 I have named it after the Comte de Courchamps , author of the first of the three books in which I found the recipe .
12 And Goldberg , in his pad : I have never said or written any of the sentiments attributed to me here , though I have heard them from the mouths and read them from the pens of others .
13 And I have seen them at the mid-day rest hour of twelve to one , I have seen a ploughman come into the stable , shake up the straw in the stall of his leading beast and lie down there and sleep .
14 I was not so much gratified with the interior of the country as I had anticipated but the people tell me I have seen it in an unfavorable season , in consequence of no rain having fallen for 3 months .
15 I have seen you in the House , and though we have n't met , I have taken rather a fancy to you , and would like if I can to help your career .
16 Having decided to show all the four seasons in one picture ( as opposed to other occasions when I have made them as a matching set of four separate pictures ) , I had to find a mount that would blend well with all the seasons and colours , so chose an earthy brown .
17 Since receiving a copy I have scrutinised it with a fine toothpick and believe the whole thing to be completely bogus .
18 A letter came for you — I have left it on the table .
19 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
20 I have described them to the House on many previous occasions and , although he is no longer in the Chamber , I do not wish to incur the wrath of the hon. Member for Ashfield ( Mr. Haynes ) by repeating them .
21 Binoculars show that it is very highly coloured ; telescopically I have described it as an orange blob , quite unlike a normal star .
22 I have provided him with an adjustable heartbeat of around 100 . ’
23 I have responded as fully as possible when the hon. Gentleman has raised the matter , and I have drawn it to the attention of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
24 I have passed it round the members of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council for comments .
25 I have passed it round the various organisations within the parish and some of them may reply directly to your office .
26 I have tried her in every possible way .
27 I have dedicated him to the blessed St John the Baptist and had him circumcised . ’
28 For I have walked her through the gate and along the path , led her up the steps and caused her to ring the doorbell .
29 I have walked it in a day , but it can take as long as a week to complete .
30 I should say that he was good for at least another five years of hard work and although there are various rumours about his suffering from some obscure disease which makes his hand extremely shaky , I have had it on the quiet from his medical adviser that he is sound as a bell .
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