Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In my case , and I am sure I am not alone in this , I can picture in my mind 's eye every summit I have reached in a long life without confusion of identity .
2 Archbishop Eames said : ‘ I have believed for a long time there is a crying need for the Churches to examine the problem of sectarianism in depth .
3 I have referred to the complicated question of administration , which will require careful drafting , but we want to try to ensure that those who serve in the voluntary reserve forces are available when they are needed and that their position is properly protected .
4 Throughout the book I have referred to the Royal Veterinary College simply as ‘ the College ’ , when no possibility of ambiguity is involved .
5 Similarly , I have referred to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons as ‘ the Royal College ’ where again the context makes the matter clear .
6 However , to pursue this would lead on to criticisms of inductivism that I have reserved for the next chapter .
7 In spite of the occupations I have followed for the last thirty years , shreds of science remain .
8 I have followed in the national press with great interest my hon. Friend 's borough 's activities .
9 All that I have said in the last chapter about preparation and being able to sort out important issues is again not possible given this scenario .
10 As I have said in the local press , my only sadness is that we were not afforded trust status a year ago .
11 Teaching about computers is important , both technically and from the role they 're going to have in the children 's lives , but as I have said before the main interest , from an educational point of view , is using it as one would use a video tape or an overhead projector or a blackboard and a piece of chalk .
12 If , as I have argued in the previous section , moral or ethical theories do not provide formulae that replace the need for intuitions , but , on the contrary , are used in the service of new ones , it is these intuitions that we must focus on .
13 In this chapter , I have argued against the natural ability of black sportsmen theory and offered the bones of an alternative , suggesting that the intensity of blacks ' involvement with sport stems from their perception of restricted opportunities in other major occupational areas .
14 No , I have moved into the wrong sex , too .
15 Since she became Under-Secretary , I have written to the hon. Lady about such gaps experienced by many of my constituents .
16 I will feel a greater feeling of personal well being … a greater feeling of personal safety … and security … than I have felt for a long , long time .
17 I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
18 This case raises serious and complex moral issues and I have asked for a detailed study of the House of Lords judgement in the light of Catholic moral teaching .
19 I have disagreed with the political views of the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) on many occasions , but he has just highlighted what might be called self-government and he rightly pointed out —
20 Furthermore , what I have presented as the Althusserean reply to Connolly emphasises the claim that ISAs constitute subjects , at the expense of the view that they legitimate a mode of production .
21 " I have searched through the whole wide world , " he told King Voukashan .
22 I have searched through the last Conservative party manifesto .
23 ‘ Since coming back from maternity leave I have plunged into a new area .
24 I could not possibly do justice in this speech to all that has been written on the subject , but I hope that I have profited from the many articles which I have read since the hearing .
25 no , no , my Lord I have raised for the first time the board minute
26 Many farms I have visited over the past 10 years have needed little more than a re-organisation of their existing system and some basic drainage alterations .
27 However , she has n't let it get to her : ‘ I do n't think I have suffered from the male domination thing as much as other women might because I 'm a belligerent , stubborn , loud-mouthed bastard , basically ! ’
28 I hope and pray that you will win — God willing , you will because you have all the ability in the world — but I have discovered over the last few days that there are people prepared to go to great lengths to stop you .
29 Changes in conditions , changes in the inanimate forces I have lumped under the general heading of ‘ the weather ’ , are likely to swamp the slow and erratic trends of the arms race , as far as any observer on the ground could be aware .
30 Talking straight to the hard-core men , he said , ‘ I want to apologise as an Englishmen for the way I have lived as a white man .
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