Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have defined quality of life for farm animals , or welfare for farm animals elsewhere .
2 I have lost interest in religion and it is your fault ! ’
3 . Just think of this food , clothing , shoes all to come out of my earnings the average of £3.9.9d. a little more sometimes , a few shillings Bonus , and my son has been ill for the past three weeks , whos going to pay the doctors Bill also I have lost time at work through air raid warnings no pay .
4 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
5 I have met girls like Gwendolen , ’ says Emecheta .
6 I have met knitters in Scotland , Canada and Austria , we seem to recognise each other — maybe the clothes !
7 I have met people from Africa , Europe and all over the world .
8 So I have discovered reserves of strength that I never knew I had . ’
9 I have received representations from Mr. Higgs , the director general of the Fertiliser Manufacturers Association .
10 I have heard stories from Rangers fans who were at elland road for the euro tie last year , that the leeds fans applauded the Gers off the pitch at the end of the match .
11 I have heard evidence from experts who described the area and measured traffic flows and produced numerous tables recording their findings .
12 I have heard evidence from noise experts and from many of the residents .
13 I have heard sizes from 18″ to 36″ , which is correct ?
14 I have noticed women at parties distracted and uneasy , seen them leave the group they 're in to join another , where their partner , they fear , is having too good a time , his attention too focused for comfort on another woman .
15 I have given instructions to Brian Lewis that if members of staff are found trying to abuse this facility he should switch off the lift system entirety .
16 Any questions of general interest are also answered on this page , In the last month I have given advice on queries ranging from where to buy exactly the right picture hook to setting up a framing project group in a school .
17 I have seen queues of students , many of them learning English through ‘ self-study ’ forming outside the test centres in Beijing just in order to gain an entry form for the next sitting of the TOEFL examination .
18 I have seen photographs of orca , both still and movie , close-up and underwater , but nothing prepares me for the sight of a real one that scythes out of the water 100 metres or so away from the boat .
19 I have seen clauses in record contracts which are absolutely meaningless and which I would happily have traded for a defined amount of money for a tour support , video , or promotional commitment .
20 I have made enquiries about air fares and as Auckland is considerably easier and cheaper than Christchurch , I would like to start the tour from Auckland .
21 I have made places of pilgrimage .
22 Alan died tragically young but my wife and I have remained friends with Diana and family of three girls ever since .
23 I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens .
24 One visitor went there expecting obfuscation , for I have read Sartre on art and think that Sartre on cricket would be just as illuminating .
25 I have lost count of the number of times I have read quotes from manager Keith Fletcher saying that he was impressed at the speed his batsmen learned to play spin in India .
26 I have read Punch for years through the public library .
27 Any amending Treaty of the kind I have described will without doubt demand great skill on the part of the British negotiators ; it should be remembered , however , that both the EEC 's trade realities and European public opinion are on their side .
28 In this respect , I have drawn evidence from case studies of two women teachers in a Roman Catholic comprehensive school to illustrate the way in which gender , religion and feminism interact with each other not only in relation to their appointments but also in relation to their work with pupils .
29 As you know , for many years I have devoted time to families in my parish who foster babies for the charity , but now I feel I can do more .
30 I have discussed Cyprus with President Bush on more than one occasion and we both actively supported the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General .
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