Example sentences of "i have [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " I have gone from failure to failure , with France , alas , the loser .
2 We would also hope that , should there be a need in the future to make a decision in Council regarding application for such a byelaw , you , the members , will give proper consideration to the views I have expressed on behalf of the ro responsible dog ownership group .
3 I have fallen in love with American names , The sharp names that never get fat , The snakeskin-titles of mining claims , The plumed war-bonnet of Medicine Hat , Tucson and Deadwood and Lost Mule Flat .
4 I have fallen in love with the classic straight/shiny/side-parted style .
5 I tell you , Minnie , I have fallen from favour of late and through no fault of my own , whereas my husband and son rest high in Mrs Browning 's estimation .
6 I was a member of the health service team supporting Elizabeth and Helen at the time of the move and I have stayed in touch with them since , as a friend and advocate .
7 I have written of hypnotism with fear and trepidation .
8 What I have written in relation to barristers as advocates applies equally to solicitors .
9 This latter alternative , the old route , is strongly to be recommended , however , the traveller being rewarded by a magnificent intimate view of a mountain of rare visual appeal , Ben Loyal , the first of the scenic highlights I have selected for inclusion in this book .
10 Again , the same question may be asked as that which I have asked in relation to Schüssler Fiorenza 's work : given that in every age women have been mistreated at the hands of men , how much do present-day women really have in common with biblical women ?
11 I wo n't even agree to having you partnering me at all these functions I have to attend as part of the job — and I 'll take whatever trouble you try to make for me — if you carry on treating me as you have been doing .
12 ‘ I 've told them I have to go to hospital for tests . ’
13 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
14 From what I have gathered from talking to other business people they have also seen an increase in business .
15 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
16 I 'm doing what I have to do in preparation for writing an article about some swanking brand-new media/cultural/trivial/not necessarily fashionable/musical/ now-and-then medical development .
17 trouble is I have to leave at quarter to eight
18 Er Chairman this , this matter has caused great concern in Bungay I can tell you , I went to the Bungay town meeting last night and they were absolutely horrified at the way this has been handled and I have to apologize on behalf of the , of the County Council .
19 I have no quarrel with the thesis , and considerable admiration for the accumulation of evidence , though what presumably were the chronic delays of publishing leave some of it a little dated , But I have to admit to irritation with the manner in which the material is presented .
20 This will be based on information which has been made available to me or which I have requested in accordance with clause [ specify ] of the Agreement .
21 I have read from cover to cover with great interest , and now hasten to enclose my subscription .
22 I have read in LRO of the benefit of using Carbonflo in petrol engines .
23 The notion of indexical meaning ( which I have expounded in detail in Widdowson 1983 , 1984a , and which 1 shall discuss again in Chapter 7 ) is crucial here .
24 I have thought from time to time that I would like to write and let you know how much those lessons meant to me — and now I am !
25 I have worked with ScotRail for over ten years and passengers on the early morning trains complain about one thing only , the lack of space .
26 Elsewhere , I have elaborated at length on the reasons why it is implausible to suggest that the first hunters were the ruling males of what Freud termed the ‘ primal hordes ’ , but rather the unmated , younger males of the all-male groups , Freud 's ‘ sons ’ .
27 I have listened with concern to what the hon. Gentleman said about this matter .
28 I have listened with care to what the hon. Gentleman has said about the matter .
29 Since my wife was diagnosed with the illness , I have been researching alternative cures during which time I have come into contact with the ‘ Association stop au cancer ’ based at 29 Bd Gambetta , 73000 Chambery Cedex , France .
30 During the time I have been working for the playgroup I have come into contact with about 200 children .
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