Example sentences of "i was [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was hard at work in her jealously private workshop , though she called in briefly at the library from time to time , and I was invited back to the Lodge for meals some evenings .
2 It happened that I was called back to the farm on the following Thursday to " cleanse " a cow and was in the byre when Dodson the drover called to pick up Blossom .
3 I had thought I might stroll out towards the famous Liseberg Gardens , but I got no more than a couple of hundred yards before I was turned back by the pitiless downpour .
4 ‘ This morning ( 20 February ) I was moved back into the ward as I am now off the danger list .
5 I was dragged back into the boat almost immediately .
6 For this print , I was thinking back to the patterns of light and shade created by strong sunlight . ’
7 I was flying back on the 9am British Airways shuttle from the EC Summit on Saturday morning .
8 Three days later I was limping back from the village and was about half a mile from home when I saw a movement in the hedge .
9 ‘ As it was , I was referred back by the clinic a week later because of blood pressure problems and the midwife kept a check on me .
10 And , without further ado , I was marched back into the hall , placed on the dais , the heralds braying on their trumpets .
11 Eric was sitting in the front looking absurdly English and in the back was an old man I was taking back to the mountains .
12 Eventually I was driven back to the Noones ’ house by a blue-clad security man .
13 After thanks and apologies all round I was driven back to the Lion to find that my borrowed sheep had been sold and had disappeared .
14 I was taken back to the cell , where I started throwing the furniture about .
15 I was brought back to the mundane present by the shiver of chill that ran over me .
16 My second thought , which did not occur to me until I was crawling back along the floor towards my bed , was that today was the day when I was due to Testify .
17 I was put back on the diet designed to ‘ build me up ’ .
18 Then I was put back onto the house .
19 One day , I was walking back to the house , and had my camera with me .
20 When I was tipped back in the dentist 's chair
21 I was driving back from a conference in Norwich , and I wanted to see the church in any case .
22 They formed their line again and started searching for Esmerelda while I was carried back to the house .
23 I went out to the powder-room and as I was going back into the restaurant somebody tapped me on the shoulder .
24 By not eating I was going back to the security of needing my family , not being relied upon but having someone to rely on instead .
25 When I arrived at MGM , I felt like I was going back to an enormous boarding school again .
26 I was coming back to the fox hunting here , when it 's mentioned sorry about that Chair .
27 It really is I mean I I still feel guilty and it might sound daft to you , but I still feel guilty and what would my have done about I was down in London a few weeks ago for a meeting and I was coming back on the sleeper and I got the train to Euston and erm I came out at the wrong spot , so I had to walk out of Euston Underground and then round to go to Euston Station rather than going through
28 I was coming back from the shops and saw Frankie dodging between parked cars , ’ Monica said yesterday .
29 I was coming back from the labs at Menelaus , after some work detail or other .
30 I was coming back from the shops the other day when I saw him get out of his car .
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