Example sentences of "for their [noun] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to facilitate progress , the report recommended that regional bodies be asked to draw up and submit plans for their areas for the organization of in-service courses .
2 Yeltsin 's decree of Aug. 22 suspending publication of six newspapers , including Pravda , for their support for the coup , was revoked on Sept. 13 .
3 A showbusiness gathering of 400 will honour them and Mr McShane 's actress wife Gwen Humble for their work for the club 's children 's charity .
4 Mr. Pitt said KPMG were strengthening their presence in the south-east and had chosen Gatwick as the focal point for their work for the region 's business community .
5 As stated on p. 13 , research studies in the real world often use a variety of methods , chosen for their suitability for the task in hand .
6 Stevens asked many of his sources for their tip for the top , and the two drugs that kept coming up most frequently were MDMA ( Ecstasy ) and Ketamine .
7 Sometimes the findings were examined for their implications for the effectiveness of prisons in preventing recidivism ( European Committee on Crime Problems , 1967 ) , but this was a side issue : the sociology of the prison was not about devising effective treatment programmes .
8 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
9 Finding out that the goods were stolen after receipt is not handling , but if the accused then , for example , sells them , he may have arranged for their disposal for the benefit of another .
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