Example sentences of "for at [adv] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Novices who had been in the London Road End for at least a good part of one season displayed quite a detailed acquisition of social knowledge which was appropriate to correct conduct in the Rowdies .
2 I do not know any ( secondary ) school teachers who , in private , are not willing to say that they are substantially dissatisfied with the job that schools are doing , for at least a substantial proportion of pupils .
3 The United States had taken the initiative in this development , since it appeared the only means by which the Americans could disengage gradually from Korea with some hope that the UN could produce a solution that would sustain south Korea for at least a limited period .
4 This should not happen for at least a million years … but there is an outside chance that it could happen tomorrow . )
5 It has to provide the financial resources for at least a minimum number of services — defence , roads , education , income support , etc. — which are generally deemed to be necessary for the survival of any modern society .
6 Likewise , ‘ moral rectitude , social conformity , clean living , and a clean rent book on occasion seem to be essential for eligibility for at least a new house ’ ( Central Housing Advisory Committee , 1969 , p. 32 ) — qualifications that a woman left on her own with dependants on a low income or social security benefit may well find hard to fulfil .
7 Quite apart from the question of the right of return , or even the strong feelings which this issue engenders , there are compelling physical and economic reasons for at least a partial return .
8 I do not remember whether we enlivened the day with a penny ride on a donkey round the White Stone pond but I regarded these donkeys with the respect and admiration rarely afforded by the keenest jockey for his mount and one of my day-dreams ( only once realised and then somehow a little disappointing ) was to save up three weeks ' pocket money and have a 3d ride in place of a Id one , which took you for at least a hundred yards along the Spaniards Road .
9 It was uncrossable for at least a hundred yards , but then my side appeared to slope more easily to its floor .
10 ‘ Lee , nobody who has n't known you for at least a hundred years is going to appreciate oblique and esoteric … ’
11 There were only two chairs in the whole place for at least a dozen women many now uncomfortably unsupported by girdle or bra .
13 Foreign Secretary David Owen was not keen to support the British Shipbuilder 's tender to supply six Type 21 frigates to Argentina , for at least a billion pounds .
14 But the conditions of farming in a largely self-sufficient community , where needs could be satisfied without moving out of the village , made for at least a formal unity in the rural group .
15 Allow to set for at least a short while before serving garnished with lime wedges .
16 In the event , for at least a few years to come , no such necessity arose .
17 We slide the photo quickly into the tray of fixer to secure that clear , vulnerable moment , to make the image harder , unchippable , solid for at least a few years .
18 Store the boards for at least a few days , ideally in the place where they are to be laid , but at least somewhere with a similar temperature .
19 Keep your notes for at least a full year — and probably for the whole length of the course .
20 It is my contention that a similar process is occurring for at least a significant part of the people of Tyneside today , although it is not affecting everyone in the same way and involves a complex process of what may be more apparent than real social differentiation .
21 Further , the fact that there has been such a steep rise in the number of divorces , combined with a fairly high rate of remarriage , means that a rising proportion of all marriages are of people marrying for at least the second time .
22 It is also expected to lead to student transfers between the two centres , distance learning through new technologies and Kirkcaldy running franchised courses for at least the early years of Dundee 's courses .
23 In my own survey of visitors to the British Museum in which teams of five interviewers worked for four separate weeks interviewing at the museum entrances I made sure that I was present for at least the first day of each survey and was available by phone during the rest of the time .
24 The sail effect of wind on the top foliage therefore concentrates stress at the top tie and in the vulnerable buds , which will be weak anyway for at least the first year or two .
25 Biological anthropology in the present context considers infants and their care within an evolutionary perspective , arguing that over the millions of years it has taken for humans to evolve , infant-parent contact was likely to have been virtually constant for at least the first year of life .
26 Therefore for at least the first year of Council Tax I have included a separate section to deal exclusively with Poll Tax residue issues , although in practice many of these posts will need to be filled by temporary secondments back from Council Tax structures , staff unsuccessful in obtaining permanent positions initially within the Council Tax structure and temporary staff .
27 At the moment , we 've got , Devon County Council 's Recycling Working Party who are very likely to be paying our site 's rental charges , for at least the first year to get us off the ground .
28 It appears that Vicini will recall Donadoni ( back from injury ) for at least the first half at Wembley .
29 However , a steady increase in new cases among heterosexuals would carry on for at least the medium term .
30 Try the following dietary changes for at least the two weeks before your period .
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