Example sentences of "for the first [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The plates were developed for the first migration in a solvent saturated chamber consisting of chloroform/methanol/ammonium hydrate/water 184:105:7.5:7.5 vol and then dried in cold air .
2 Even for the first child in a family , despite the fact that this year 's uprating mainly benefited first children , there is still a shortfall of 75p a week .
3 It will remove dead hair , and may also reveal signs of fleas. ( 2 ) A brush will be essential for the first stage in the process .
4 He was collecting for over forty years and , as Miller was a regular recipient of Bartram 's shipments , it can be assumed that ‘ a large proportion of plants credited to Miller as introducer consisted of collections by Bartram and if this is true he was probably responsible for the first appearance in the gardens of England of between one hundred and fifty and two hundred plants ’ ( John Hendley Barnhart , ‘ Significance of John Bartram 's Work to Botanical and Horticultural Knowledge ’ , Bartonia Special Issue , 1931 ) .
5 Enough money came in by mid-March for Chris , a Courtaulds worker for 18 years , and Lorraine to take Leannda to Boston for the first step in the long road to restoring her sight .
6 The delegates have also been allowed , for the first time in a communist party 's history since Stalin , to set up factions .
7 For the first time in a decade the Thatcherite crusade seemed to be faltering , though how permanently it was too early to judge .
8 But as the Labour parliamentary front bench scents the thaw , and surveys the possibility of government for the first time in a decade , the party pressures running in favour of detente are increasing .
9 At his first school , Stockwell Junior School , David dressed up for the first time in a school nativity play .
10 France 's total wine exports declined for the first time in a decade last year .
11 Manchester Utd 1 Manchester City 1 JUST when the First Division championship seemed within touching distance for the first time in a quarter of a century , Steve Bruce pushed it just out of Manchester United 's reach at Old Trafford last night .
12 ‘ What a relief to be able to relax and play/work , for the first time in a large gathering , with a peer group of equals .
13 In the case of Sheffield City Council v A.D.H. Demolition Ltd the Divisional court of the queens bench made it clear , for the first time in a reported case , that ‘ premises ’ within s.1(1) of the 1968 Act covered more than a building standing on a particular piece of ground , but did include a vacant site .
14 For the first time in a BHC hovercraft , the AP1-88 has separate engines to provide lift and generate forward speed .
15 Richie Richardson was in his first Test as captain , leading a team minus Richards , Gordon Greenidge , Jeffrey Dujon and Malcolm Marshall for the first time in a Barbados Test since 1983 and , with Gus Logie and Carl Hooper eliminated by injury , showing six changes to that in the previous Test on the ground against Australia a year earlier .
16 History in the making at Barbados : West Indian and South African players and officials meet for the first time in a Test match .
17 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
18 Meanwhile , in Britain , we have the sight of the old left coalition , aka the Labour Party , indicating , for the first time in a generation , that it is receptive to the wholesale importation of ideas from outside .
19 There are bound to be some tears around the 4th and 10th but , with Jupiter in Libra for the first time in a decade , you can not allow yourself to be constrained any more .
20 Food shortages and the lack of heating or lighting in towns , and the time-consuming difficulties of finding ways round them for city-dwellers , meant that for the first time in a century , if not longer , life in the country was not to be despised .
21 I was taken from the cellar in Beirut and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin for the first time in a thousand days .
22 WOLVES winger Robbie Dennison has been recalled to Northern Ireland 's squad for the first time in a year .
23 And after scoring four for the first time in a European game , he said : ‘ I 'm proud and privileged to break such a great player 's record .
24 The National Gallery is promoting ‘ Great French Paintings from the Barnes Collection ’ as an unprecedented look at these pictures , for the first time in a conventional museum setting .
25 Fibre Channel Standard technology was also featured for the first time in a cluster and high-speed networking environment .
26 The result was to leave London without an elected representative body for the first time in a hundred years , and all the metropolitan areas without an authority responsible for producing an overall strategic plan .
27 In 1974 , for example , we learned that ‘ For the first time in a century and a half , since the great Tory reformer Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan police areas of our cities are becoming unsafe for peaceful citizens by night , and some even by day ’ — from no less an authority than that great Tory reformer Sir Keith Joseph .
28 Sir Keith Joseph offers a flexi-time history according to which , in the same speech where he entertained the spectacular belief that Britain 's streets had been plunged into insecurity ‘ for the first time in a century and a half ’ , he also conjured with a more modest timescale whereby ‘ such words as good and evil , such stress on self-discipline and standards have been out of favour since the war ’ .
29 Although Japan was for the first time in a dominant position vis-à-vis China , the problem of disputed influence in Korea remained .
30 ‘ In the Schedule to the Act of 1887 there are found , for the first time in a statute , suggested forms of inquisition or verdict .
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