Example sentences of "for the first [noun sg] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To help fund the increases in social spending , representing 38.2 per cent of the total budget , value added tax would be raised and would be introduced for the first time on all foodstuffs .
2 Proudly proclaiming that this recording contains for the first time on one CD all of Bach 's Toccatas and Fugues ( including the Prelude and Fugue in E minor BWV548 ) , it is indeed a well-stocked programme .
3 The emergency service was used for the first time on 17th .
4 Previous application of this method ( viz. a 1-stage Delphi with interactive feedback ) earlier in this research programme has shown that many employers embarking often for the first time on strategic employment policy-making require some means of obtaining confirmation they are on the right lines .
5 Dr Neil , cradling him in his arms for a moment before handing him to McAllister to care for , wondered not for the first time on such occasions whether he had done the baby a favour by enabling him to live .
6 The assassin 's blow threw him back against the wall , hitting it so hard he brought books tumbling from the shelves , but before the assassin 's fingers found his throat he delivered a punch to the man 's belly that must have touched some tender place , because the assault ceased , and the attacker let him go , his eyes fixed for the first time on Gentle 's face .
7 The prototype , F-WLKB , flew for the first time on 4 May 63 with Pratt and Whitney JT-12A-8 engines of 3,000 lbs thrust .
8 Finally , Yusuf advanced and the thunderous roll of the Moorish drums was heard for the first time on Spanish soil .
9 Early in 1914 , the Board felt it advisable to appoint a House Committee to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the Institution , and the committee met for the first time on 28th April with Mr. W. T. Lansberry in the chair .
10 It was The Association of Women Artists and Friends of Art in Berlin , an association of women artists , who banded together for the first time on 13 January , 1867 , to overcome some of the structural obstacles to women artists .
11 Because I have on good information and I 'll say it for the first time on this programme , I intend to give this in my evidence tomorrow , that Rover intend to close not the south works first , but the north works first .
12 ZeeBeeCee has gained a court order allowing access to Jessamyn Bonney 's juvenile records , stored in the central infonet of the Bruyce-Hoare Agency , and we can exclusively reveal for the first time on national television that evidence which has come to light since her 1992 parricide hearing has suggested that she was indeed guilty of the murder of her father , a crime for which she was acquitted in court on the testimony of one Andrew Jean , since deceased , a gangcult associate and known perjurer . ’
13 The Secret Committee on the Peasant Question , which convened for the first time on 3 January 1857 , consisted entirely of Nicholaevan grandees .
14 The infantry went to church in their new uniforms for the first time on 9 September , and had the singular honour , a month later , of joining their fellows in the cavalry who were escorting the funeral cortège of the late Earl of Cork ‘ in slow and decorous movement suitable to the solemnity of the occasion ’ .
15 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
16 Under contract from the Business Jets Division of Pan Am , Little Rock Airmotive in Arkansas converted a Standard Falcon into a specialised cargo aircraft , the prototype flying for the first time on 28 Mar 72 .
17 When Henry V landed for the first time on French soil nearly forty years later , it was soon put beyond doubt that in his artillery he possessed a potential match-winner .
18 It is perhaps surprising to find that Jacques married for the first time on 31 March 1728 at the age of 55 .
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