Example sentences of "for the [num ord] [det] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 For the first few days the hands and feet become too sore to practise with , but in time they become sufficiently conditioned to withstand the constant impact and calluses begin to develop in the key areas .
2 For the first few weeks the cast used the bedrooms as dressing rooms .
3 For the first few years the Sunday School met in a private house , possibly that of a Mr Thomas Leathem .
4 For the first few years the maximum carriage length remained at 42ft .
5 For the first few years the work was concerned with the Old Red Sandstone along the southern margin of the Highlands but soon men were stationed at various points around the Grampians , including the Moray Firth area , and were advancing towards the higher ground .
6 For the first few years the remands were unopposed , since it would plainly have been inappropriate to proceed against the applicant whilst the Carrian prosecution was still afoot .
7 The CNAA could not establish boards for every subject component of degrees in education , and in the event for the first few years the Committee for Education , using a range of specialist panels in support , itself carried out the validation work .
8 For the last few weeks the baby inside her had been making itself felt .
9 He was n't yet quite in the Michael jackson class , but for the last few months the little boy had been difficult in the extreme .
10 For the last few years the sum has been £1 0 .
11 For the last several years the transformation has been led by one particular member of that leadership , who was designated the ‘ project manager ’ of the entire change effort .
12 For the next half hour the rehearsals took on a sudden lift and everyone began to dare to try things out without feeling foolish .
13 For the next few days the bone marrow which was taken from Carly will be incubated with the reprogrammed cells in a laboratory in Leiden .
14 For the next few weeks the debate on the reforms rolled on .
15 For the next few weeks the male passes food for his entire family through this hole until the female breaks the wall down and leaves the hole to help him collect the increasing quantity of food demanded by the growing chicks .
16 For the next few years the horde ravaged at will through the mountains , desecrating shrines , despoiling tombs , and waylaying travellers , but Grom was unable to take any of the Dwarf holds or bring them to battle .
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