Example sentences of "was too [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A 13-YEAR-OLD girl who wants to leave foster care and return home to her father was told by a High Court judge yesterday she was too young to decide her own future .
2 I was too young to exercise my intellectual force to demolish prejudices that made me sick .
3 There might have been twenty or thirty figures in there , but it was too dark to distinguish anything more than their vague shapes .
4 This alarming error had been spotted by his Deputy when it was too late to do anything much about it .
5 Although Mr Patten said it was too early to discuss his political future , the Tories are now expected to find a safe seat in which the sitting member can be persuaded to make way for his early return to Westminster .
6 Her nose was too small to balance her high flat cheekbones , and her mouth was made for a face at least two sizes larger .
7 Mr Tholen is a man who can not resist a challenge and when , just before his 50th birthday , he was told he was too old to learn anything new , he set out to prove that theory wrong by learning to fly .
8 Except for Robin , who had a slight talent for painting , they were plodders , who would never make a mark on the world ; and even Robin was too unsteady to forge his own way .
9 She was too busy holding her aching face and she gave a soft murmur of pain as she drew her dressing-gown closely around her .
10 One umpire was up the other end , the other was too busy controlling his refractory pony to watch what Randy was up to .
11 Sometimes he was too sick to eat anything all day , but other days he would sleep for a while and then get up for a meal .
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