Example sentences of "was being [vb pp] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The idea arose from fears expressed in western industrialized countries that the free market of ideas was being threatened by the fact that the prohibitive costs of entry into media ownership prevented the involvement of anyone other than rich individuals or large corporations .
2 By early 1990 an ‘ NEPP-plus ’ containing additional measures was being prepared by the Cabinet for submission to the Second Chamber .
3 At about the same time as The School Curriculum was being prepared by the DES , the now defunct Schools Council was preparing its own document .
4 In addition to that newspaper the idea of an electoral alliance against the government was being canvassed by the News Chronicle and the Manchester Guardian .
5 The gap was being filled by the arrivals .
6 Again , Jeremiah was doing the Lord 's work as a servant ; in the passage we heard a few moments ago , he expressed his dismay at the manner in which he was being treated by the people .
7 Enjoying this recreation , I could not banish the occasional thought that although work at B.P. was undeniably of vital importance , we were living a comparatively sheltered life , and that the real brunt of the war was being borne by the men on the battlefield .
8 In other words , Barro assumes that rational agents over the period were aware that the rate of growth of the quantity of money was being determined by the process described in equation ( 6.7 ) , and were using their knowledge of that process and the coefficients involved in it to predict future monetary growth .
9 By the early 1830s it was being run by the partnership of Leonard , Woolbright and Co , but by 1840 it was controlled by Nathaniel Samuel Marling , followed by Samuel Stephens Marling .
10 Now their Cult of Pleasure was being persecuted by the agents of the distant Phoenix King .
11 The argument is extended to the work of the units themselves each of which is felt ‘ to have its own strengths ’ and which , at a time when some pressure was being exerted by the LEA , should be permitted to retain its distinctive and separate character .
12 The way they dealt with it was no different from any other couple either , except that every move was being monitored by the media .
13 Then she was being dragged up from the music stool and she was being shaken by the shoulders as he demanded , ‘ What 's this ?
14 He screwed his eyes shut , but it was as if his sight was being destroyed by the light of a thousand flares .
15 The Anderson trial caused great controversy in Australia because Anderson , the sect 's public relations spokesman at the time of the bombing , always denied the charge and claimed that he was being framed by the police and the intelligence services .
16 How would the caring services react if we knew that our performance was being evaluated by the people we were serving , and if disabled people were always involved in deciding : which issues they felt were most important ; how the money should be spent ; and who they wanted to employ to support them to get the job done .
17 I had got to the stage with one particular chair when even a mallet and chisel was being limited by the design .
18 More ‘ nascent ’ hydrogen was being liberated by the electrolysis .
19 The students were rapidly becoming the most vocal critics of reform as it was being implemented by the government led by Deng Xiaoping .
20 Soft his speech might be , but Meredith felt she was being speared by the twin daggers of his eyes .
21 But the argument is too neat , and dependent on the assumption of a desire on the part of filmmakers to express themselves about contemporary realities that was being repressed by the censorship system .
22 The girl who was being chased by the bloke in the weird headgear .
23 I found myself in pursuit , not out of choice , but because I was being chased by the mob behind .
24 The full force of being public property and pop royalty had not hit him — whereas Beatty , who was being chased by the news hounds from New York to Florida to the South of France , with Natalie in tow , had suddenly become the talk of the town .
25 The result in films like Shipyard ( 1934/5 ) , an impressionistic study of the life of a shipbuilding town , or Night Mail ( 1936 ) , a poetic record of the journey of the Postal Special from London to Glasgow , were films that revealed how much was being missed by the filmmakers who created fabulous fictions behind the walls of the studio — what Grierson described as ‘ the cinema 's capacity for getting around , for observing and selecting from life itself . ’
26 Occasionally it was suspected that the behaviour of respondents was being affected by the presence of the field-worker , to what extent it is impossible to estimate , but this is the disadvantage of all overt research techniques and is not unique to ethnography .
27 As a result in some areas the ability of local officers to deal with other customers was being affected by the number of review applications . ’
28 Gradually the idea of serving the king in his wars was being replaced by the need to serve the res publica , a less particular and more all-embracing higher good .
29 The admission that compromise was possible is the first sign that the confident period of Hildebrandine reform — the period of intense conviction and hope of complete success — was coming to an end , and was being replaced by the age of negotiation , undertaken by lawyers and administrators , differing in their briefs , but alike in their methods , and understanding each other very well .
30 By 1970 , environmental protection was being proclaimed by the press , radio and television as ‘ the issue of the day ’ .
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