Example sentences of "was to be [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 It was felt that such speed limits were not practical over the wide area that was to be covered by the experiment , and that it would be better to scrap such treatment of individual streets and instead integrate such areas into a widespread system of 30 km/h streets .
2 A strict timetable was to be adhered to whereby reorganization was to be completed by the end of 1974 .
3 One must wonder , therefore , how his dignity was to be maintained by the withdrawal of feeding .
4 Stalin died in March 1953 and was succeeded by the moderate Malenkov , who was to be ousted by the raucous Khrushchev in February 1955 .
5 The few hundred Australians on Timor had also contributed to the Japanese conviction that the island was to be re-occupied by the Allies , and the enemy reinforced his garrison with men of the 48 Division in the autumn of 1942 when these forces might have been employed to better effect against the Allies on New Guinea and elsewhere .
6 Twenty ships were to be sent with grain supplies to Gascony , and an expedition there was to be headed by the earls of Lancaster , Lincoln , and Warwick , along with Hugh Despenser ( later Earl of Winchester , q.v . ) .
7 The Committee was to be headed by the Deputy Interior Minister , David Mejia Galindo , and its senior members included the director of the National Police , Adolfo Cuba y Escobedo .
8 Their happiness was to be destroyed by the heart-rending realisation that Kimberly was not his child .
9 Already , it seems , industry was coming to be concentrated on the north side of the Stour — Dedham lies opposite East Bergholt , a booming village — and that the gap was opening which forty-five years later was to be filled by the arrival of the Dutch bringing the techniques of the ‘ New Draperies ’ .
10 But if Louis 's intention was high-minded , his own profit was well served ; for the gap left by disappearing ecclesiastical jurisdiction was to be filled by the crown and its officers .
11 This was the first independent radio station in the republic and was to be run by the students ' official youth organization .
12 The hotel which was to be run by The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company , will be called the London Wilshire .
13 One might have been forgiven for believing that the answer was to be determined by the label adopted by Parliament in creating the body in question .
14 In Union Transport Plc. v. Continental Lines S.A. [ 1992 ] 1 W.L.R. 15 the House of Lords held that under article 5(1) of the Brussels Convention the court 's jurisdiction was to be determined by the place of performance of the principal obligation in the contract , applying the Court of Justice decision in Ets . A. de Bloos S.P.R.L. v. Société en commandite par actions Bouyer ( Case 14/76 ) [ 1976 ] E.C.R. 1497 described in the speech of Lord Goff of Chieveley [ 1992 ] 1 W.L.R. 15 , 19 :
15 Timing of the airdrops was to be determined by the defence department in co-operation with the United Nations , the president said in a written statement .
16 Under this contract the owner had the right to nominate which sub-contractor was to be engaged by the building firm to lay the floor .
17 Purism was to be unsullied by ornament , fantasy or individuality and was to be inspired by the machine .
18 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
19 Its prince was to be elected by the Bulgarians , confirmed by Turkey with the assent of the powers , and was to belong to none of the great reigning houses of Europe .
20 That newspapers had come a long way in the interim period was beyond doubt ; that they were to travel even further was to be confirmed by the manner in which the Cadburys disposed of the News Chronicle in 1960 .
21 This strike , which relied on diplomatic and military surprise , was to be followed by the occupation of the Philippines in 50 days , of Malaya in 100 , and of the Dutch East Indies ( Celebes , Borneo , and Java ) by mid-summer .
22 The breakfast hour of the nurses was to be regulated by the house surgeon .
23 He probably studied at Oxford , though the evidence is indirect : his executors endowed 200 marks to establish a loan-chest for the masters and scholars and , no doubt because he was a benefactor , his death anniversary was to be observed by the university .
24 The world was to be converted by the priesthood .
25 It was to be mounted by the Eighth Army , commanded by General Cunningham , and the main objectives were to relieve the garrison of Tobruk and to secure advance airfields from which the convoys to Malta could be protected .
26 Consistent with his medico-chemical interests was his Edinburgh MD thesis ‘ On the theory of Chemical Combination ’ ( 1861 ) , in which he proposed a new way to represent chemical constitution : each atom was to be indicated by the chemical symbol for the element concerned , bonds between atoms being symbolized by lines .
27 To think so was to be conned by the art dealers .
28 Its emphasis on careful measurement and exact analysis of the events mediated by receptors was to be justified by the key role this was to play in the subsequent development of novel drugs for the treatment of , for example , angina and hypertension .
29 The project was to be organized by the state-controlled transport concern Companhia Vale de Rio Doce , and the first phase would cost US$1,200 million .
30 Far from leading a more Christian life , Margery after her breakdown thought only of outdoing her neighbours , for ‘ all her desire was to be worshipped by the people ’ .
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