Example sentences of "was in [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Q Our Piranhas have recently bred and we have a few fry left ( some were eaten by a Plec , which was in turn eaten by the Piranhas ) .
2 The PLO itself published a communiqué in Tunis on June 8 attributing responsibility for the killing to the Israeli secret service , Mossad — a charge which was in turn dismissed by the Israeli authorities as not meriting a response .
3 On Oct. 20 President Ali Hassan Mwinyi carried out a minor Cabinet reshuffle in which Amran Mayagila became Minister of Health , replacing Philemon Sarungi ; Mayagila 's place at the Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock Development and Co-operatives was taken by Jackson Makweta , who was in turn replaced at the Ministry of Communications and Transport by Sarungi .
4 When this was in turn cleared in the early 1980s the site was disposed of for private construction .
5 The discovery of the Americas and of southern Africa had synchronized with the beginnings of European printing and , throughout the sixteenth century , the expansion in European understanding of world geography and world ethnology coincided with a tremendous spread of general literacy , which was in turn accompanied by the revived and intensive study of the Bible in vernacular languages .
6 And the growth of these herbs was in turn encouraged by the Aboriginal people — paradoxically , by setting fire to them , and getting rid of whatever was rank .
7 The surprise decision to concentrate the main allied armoured thrust to the west of Kuwait was in part motivated by the desire to avoid having to make a frontal assault upon the extensive Iraqi fortifications on the Kuwaiti-Saudi Arabian border .
8 This attack , which made inevitable the outbreak of a great European war ( see p. 298 ) was in part provoked by the contents of documents which a Saxon government clerk had been bribed to betray to the Prussians .
9 He was aware that their confidence in him was in part based on the myth that he was devoid of any of the normal human weaknesses such as fear or self-doubt .
10 The conciliatory approach of the Ramos administration was in part based on the pragmatic need to increase political stability in order to bolster investor confidence .
11 Thus , the Conservative attack on inflation and public-sector wage explosions was in part nullified by the Clegg awards on pay comparability .
12 As has been noted , the debate between Hart and Devlin was in part stimulated by the publication of the Wolfenden Report , and Hart begins by noting the striking similarity between J.S. Mill 's argument outlined above and the position adopted by the Wolfenden Committee in s.13 of their Report :
13 The threat of increased bills was in part offset by the 1pc tariff reduction , from the beginning of July .
14 The threat of increased bills was in part offset by the 1pc tariff reduction , from the beginning of July .
15 We aim to show in Chapter 5 that this blindness was in part promoted by the religious elements in their beliefs .
16 The meeting was in part overshadowed by the crisis in Yugoslavia .
17 If the growing power of the medical profession was in part derived from the certainty and coherence of its discourse , then the success of repeal opposition was dependent on the mobilization of an alternative language capable of challenging professional power and expertise .
18 Much of the long-distance trade was in commodities connected with the cloth industry , notably dyestuffs such as woad and alum .
19 IN 1990 , I was in Kosovo to report for The Scotsman .
20 British consul David Hook was in Waco liaising with the authorities and checking on the health of the three British children released earlier and now recovering in the care of the local child protection agency .
21 If , however , the motor trader defendant is not responsible for turning back the mileometer and covers up the reading , the motor trader should be able to escape from liability on the basis that no false description was in fact applied to the goods ( s1(1) ( b ) ) .
22 Mrs Gray 's home was in fact requisitioned by the Army .
23 If the creditor knew that the surety , whilst understanding the nature of the liability he or she was accepting , was in fact acting under the influence of the debtor , then it would not be safe for the creditor to rely upon a document executed in these circumstances , unless it believed on reasonable grounds that the surety had in fact received independent advice .
24 It was in fact written by the Prime Minister .
25 It is a matter for serious consideration whether the legal authority should be required to do anything more than establish identity and ascertain that the person was in fact killed as the result of an aircraft accident rather than deliberate sabotage .
26 ( The poll-tax was in fact extended in the same year to Esthonia and Livonia for these reasons . )
27 Goulding J was in fact referring to the employee 's skill and knowledge acquired in the course of his present employment .
28 The trial did not last long , for once the Judge decided that public performance in the theatre was in fact covered by the Sexual Offences Act , 1967 , and that Mrs Whitehouse was therefore able to bring a prosecution , the case was withdrawn .
29 The Zahringer Dukes extended the castle from 1127 onward , and it is one of Switzerland 's earliest brick buildings ; the town alongside it on the ridge grew in proportion to its strategic importance and was in fact incorporated in the walled defences by the Kyburg dynasty which followed the Zahringers .
30 ( 2 ) On receiving the claim the Board shall inquire into the matter and shall , subject to the provisions of this section , give by way of repayment such relief … in respect of the error or mistake as is reasonable and just : Provided that no relief shall be given under this section in respect of an error or mistake as to the basis on which the liability of the claimant ought to have been computed where the return was in fact made on the basis or in accordance with the practice generally prevailing at the time when the return was made . …
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