Example sentences of "was not [verb] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be tragic if Agassi 's rare talent was not rewarded by a Grand Slam title in the near future and a World No. 1 ranking later on .
2 ‘ Fashion Mad ’ , it was titled , and this one was not written by a celebrated style pundit , but by a previously unrecognised talent called Associated Press .
3 This meant that Afghanistan was not covered by a multilateral neutralisation regime .
4 Ltd [ 1944 ] 2 All ER 293 ( CA ) the Court of Appeal decided that it was not bound by a previous decision of that court , if satisfied that the decision in question was reached per incuriam .
5 How many pensioners would be floated off means-tested income support if a £5 and £8 increase in the national insurance pension was not matched by a similar change in the income support rates ?
6 But the increase in incomes was not matched by a similar increase in the cash becoming available to farmers .
7 Similarly , in aggregate terms , the UK 's high rate of concentration was not matched by a high rate of growth in manufacturing output .
8 Cramlington , although a New Town , was not developed by a corporatist and appointed development corporation but by a partnership of two elected authorities ( county and district ) and two developers .
9 No miller was allowed to buy or sell grain or flour except surplus toll corn until after the reign of Elizabeth I and although the influence of the soke began to wane during the seventeenth century , toll-in-kind was not replaced by a monetary charge until an act of 1796 .
10 Unfortunately , the 12.35 a.m. tram journey on route 16/18 was not replaced by a corresponding bus journey from Westminster to Purley .
11 Montgomerie 's humour was not improved by a poor start .
12 The mood was not improved by a sudden burst of music from that hated and notorious portable gramophone across the way .
13 This had not been an issue as long as Edward IV was in good health , and his death was so unexpected that it was not preceded by a political regrouping around the heir .
14 This had not been an issue as long as Edward IV was in good health , and his death was so unexpected that it was not preceded by a political regrouping around the heir .
15 on on erm one side of A four and it was obviously was n't written by a young man
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