Example sentences of "was he [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hand of that great radical political theorist , John Knox , can certainly be detected in this — literally , for it was he who penned the letters .
2 Lewis was the presiding genius ; the meeting took place in his rooms and it was he who chose the moment to ask if anyone present had any work in progress which they wanted to read aloud .
3 In the family Shanta married into , the head of the family was her husband 's cousin , and it was he who made the rules :
4 It was he who advised the sale .
5 It was he who extended the graveyard and established the famous Rabbi Loew in the Talmudic school here .
6 Team ‘ A ’ for want of a better name consisted of Jim Cardin ( it was he who spilled the beans to the Glenpatrick News but was n't given much option ) , Eddie Bell , Michael Stewart , Leala Smith , Andy Beattie and John Turnbull .
7 It was he who let the kidnapper in before he left for work .
8 What he characteristically does not say is that it was he who kept the Pythons together .
9 A quiet , soft-spoken man , he arrived at the yards in the dark days of 1983 fresh from a difficult stint at British Shipbuilders and it was he who persuaded the Government to allow a management/employee buyout in 1988 .
10 In the days before packages were available , it was he who wrote the programs for LETGEN ( for letter generation ) and later designed E-Mail ( our electronic mailing system ) and Viewdata ( the facilities used by agents ) .
11 For it was he who arranged the finance which went a long way towards putting the station on the air .
12 It was he who popularized the recapitulation theory , the claim that ontogeny ( the growth of the embryo ) recapitulates phylogeny ( the evolutionary history of the species ) .
13 Rocastle continued to play brilliantly and it was he who crossed the ball in for the third .
14 Similarly , it was he who fought the photographs case [ quoted in original paper ] through to the Court of Appeal , and was successful .
15 It was he who received the body of Simon Cormack at the Radcliffe .
16 It was he who led the people out from Egypt , the " exodus " which gives the book its name .
17 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
18 It was he who put the job together and picked the team . ’
19 It was he who held the troops together in their communal dormitory , and it was he who led them out the next morning .
20 One of his associates was the noted bibliophile Richard de Bury , later Bishop of Durham , and it was he who informed the Pope , in response to a message conveyed verbally , that requests which the king himself really wished to be carried out would bear the words Pater Sancte in his own hand .
21 It was he who created the Saturday market and built the church of St Margaret beside it , just before the end of the eleventh century .
22 He already has wins over Edberg and Lendl , and it was he who ended the title ambitions of Wimbledon Champion Michael Stich .
23 It was he who ended the war with Athens , or perhaps turned the hot war into a cold one ( because satraps continued to subvert Athenian-supported democracies in Anatolia ) : after the Persian recovery of Egypt in the 450s Athenian aggression against Persia was checked , except for a brief campaign in Cyprus at the end of the 450s .
24 John Tennant ( 1725–1810 ) , the father of the family , is thought to have been a witness to the baptism of Robert Burns , and it was he who joined the poet 's father , William Burness , in hiring a young school teacher for their sons at Alloway .
25 The re-organization of the higher courts once again owed much to Gardiner , and it was he who initiated the appointment of a Royal Commission on Assizes and Quarter Sessions in 1966 .
26 It is reassuring to know that his duties will include responsibility for the BBC , for as George Walden argues on this page , it was he who rescued the Broadcasting Bill after the last Thatcher government made such a hash of television deregulation .
27 Later , in 1916 , it was he who supervised the move to 34 New Bond Street , the former Dore Gallery , with a wine merchant below .
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