Example sentences of "was [being] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Police chief Calvin Ross said a person was being questioned about the killing of Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrand , the eighth foreign tourist and the fourth German killed in Florida in the past year .
2 On one occasion during field-work a father who needed to be present while his young son was being questioned at the station instructed his child to ‘ Tell these f'ing black bastards nothin' ’ , and when told that that was a lovely way to bring up his son replied , ‘ Aye , and I 'll keep bringing him up that way ’ ( FN 11/7/87 , p. 9 ) .
3 I could n't put a name on her treatment of me , no word existed for what she was trying to do , but I knew I was being manipulated under the guise of deference and consideration .
4 Under her skilled hands a snake of clay was being coiled into the shape of a large globular jar .
5 The idea arose from fears expressed in western industrialized countries that the free market of ideas was being threatened by the fact that the prohibitive costs of entry into media ownership prevented the involvement of anyone other than rich individuals or large corporations .
6 A substantial army marched on London , and although it was defeated and the leaders were put to death , to do so the King had to divert the force which was being prepared for the campaign in Scotland ( 73 , pp. 14–16 ) .
7 We submitted a detailed response to the NRA 's proposed scheme of water quality improvement targets which was being prepared for the Secretary of State 's approval .
8 A file was being prepared for the Crown Prosecution Service .
9 The Keraing , however , had put the wheels in motion , and while Sinar Surya was being prepared for the sea , and the pirates were still arguing about where she might go , and with whom , Lorne and I spent the following weeks suppressing our impatience by exploring our surroundings .
10 By early 1990 an ‘ NEPP-plus ’ containing additional measures was being prepared by the Cabinet for submission to the Second Chamber .
11 A little further on , the small compact settlement of Lea Yeat ( Gate ) is reached , its tranquillity disturbed only in the 1870s when the railway was being constructed across the hillside above .
12 When the tower was being constructed at the end of the 12th century , it started keeling over .
13 In addition to that newspaper the idea of an electoral alliance against the government was being canvassed by the News Chronicle and the Manchester Guardian .
14 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
15 Even so , there was broad agreement that this evidence of innovation and vibrancy was being achieved at the cost of institutional inertia , a reluctance to champion enterprise , and an avoidance of any deep-seated restoration of the national economy .
16 Critics could argue that higher productivity was being achieved at the cost of pushing patients out of hospital " quicker and sicker " , and increasing the number of patients treated was still consistent with unmet need .
17 By the last decades of the seventeenth century a much heavier emphasis than ever before was being placed on the need for honesty , for the diplomat to behave in a way which inspired confidence in those with whom he dealt .
18 ‘ He was wide awake while the old Black and Decker was being drilled straight through his kneecap and a donor tendon was being placed at the back of his knee , which is unbelievably advanced surgery . ’
19 A spokesman said a substantial amount of Derv was spilled while a rail tanker was being filled at the North Tees road and rail terminal .
20 As early as 1566 , the Earl of Sussex had pointed out that Calvinism was being preached throughout the country , and after 1570 it was difficult to hear or read any non-Calvinist theology .
21 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
22 I had assumed up to this point that you really wished to speak not to me but to my husband ( who is of course E J Maitland , a philosopher whose reputation is rather more likely than mine to attract telephone calls from the great officers of state ) and that I was being summoned to the phone merely because he was not there .
23 Diane Wright , of The Greenway , Dovecote , Liverpool , was being treated at the hospital for anorexia .
24 If one of their number was being kept on the phone by some whingeing client who had no intention of investing further , a colleague would rescue him , shouting : " Smith ( or whatever the dealer was called ) , Hong Kong , Line .
25 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
26 ‘ That was the first High Queen 's instruction when it was being raised from the rock .
27 But already by the time of Pope Gregory I ( d. 604 ) the monastic movement , widely diversified as it was , was being integrated into the life of the church at large and open to the demands made on it by the church 's interests and needs .
28 In other words , Barro assumes that rational agents over the period were aware that the rate of growth of the quantity of money was being determined by the process described in equation ( 6.7 ) , and were using their knowledge of that process and the coefficients involved in it to predict future monetary growth .
29 But , in addition , there arose the possibility of some common agreement with industry over the fact that the economy was being run to the advantage of the City as opposed to industry .
30 By the early 1830s it was being run by the partnership of Leonard , Woolbright and Co , but by 1840 it was controlled by Nathaniel Samuel Marling , followed by Samuel Stephens Marling .
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