Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [adj] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By notice of appeal dated 12 February 1991 Mr. Pierson appealed against that refusal on the grounds , inter alia , that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in ruling that it was not unlawful for the Secretary of State to increase the tariff recommended by the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge for the purposes of determining a prisoner 's first parole review date and ( 2 ) in ruling that Mr. Pierson was not entitled to know in advance the factors which the Secretary of State proposed to take into account in fixing the tariff and to make informed representations in the light of that knowledge .
2 The contention was that a co-ordinated approach was needed towards the treatment of offenders , and that it was not appropriate for the Home Secretary 's responsibilities for prisoners to be on a different basis from his other responsibilities .
3 It was not appropriate for the son to care for her but it became too much for the daughter-in-law , who was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown , and the problems were referred to the local area social service office .
4 The patient had been removed from her previous general practitioner 's list six months previously and was at the material time on no doctor 's list , and the Crown Court had held that it was not practicable for a doctor who had acquaintance with the patient to make the recommendation .
5 But it was not easy for a motor mechanic to find a start .
6 His dress was not normal for the City .
7 We have seen that on 13 June the Court of Appeal had decided in Heaton 's case that the Transport and General Workers ' Union was not accountable for the action of its shop stewards .
8 The ability to obtain some patronage during an election contest was often essential to success , for it was not uncommon for every candidate in a crowded field to claim to be a friend of the administration in power .
9 At one time it was not uncommon for a retailer to display an exemption clause in his premises or include it in a written contract even though that clause was rendered totally ineffective by Act of Parliament .
10 Until recently it was not uncommon for a librarian in a public or academic library to carry out an annual check of the entire stock in this way .
11 As Coleman discovered later , it was not uncommon for the Justice Department to leave a case dangling over the head of a former government employee whom it wished to intimidate .
12 Apart from the purely oppressive aspect — that these people felt that women must be seen and not heard , that taking part in an industrial struggle was not right for a woman — there was the undeniable fact that in these families money was desperately needed .
13 In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa of March 28 King Fahd said that the " prevailing democratic system in the world " was not suitable for the region , and that Islam favoured " the consultative system and the openness between the ruler and his subjects " rather than the " free elections " , which might be suitable for other countries .
14 Here again we are assisted by Strype : ‘ The entrails and bowels were honourably buried in the [ St George 's , Windsor ] chapel ’ , for it was not usual for the viscera chest to take any part in the state obsequies ; the coffin was reunited with it nineteen days later .
15 He stated that , ‘ it was not well for a Government succeeding to power to reverse without very good reasons the decisions of their predecessors , especially with respect to matters of art and the construction of public buildings ’ .
16 He could not own property which was not necessary for every day living .
17 It was not necessary for a boy to be musical ; in addition to the choirboys there was an ordinary school .
18 It was not necessary for the court to decide the issues raised on the ground that the judge was wrong to treat the proceedings as properly constituted representative proceedings , although the vital importance of the making of an application under Order 5 , rule 5(2) promptly and before judgment was observed .
19 In a further passage , the court held that it was not necessary for the corporation to suffer injury .
20 In retrospect , it was not ideal for the Promenade and Fleetwood route , with its more resilient sleeper track and the blowing sand , which affected the roof-mounted control unit .
21 A member state was entitled to discriminate in the ages at which men and women became entitled to state pensions but it was not acceptable for a distinction to be made between the sexes as to the age of retirement : see Marchall v Southampton and SW Hampshire Area Health Authority ( Teaching ) ( 1986 ) ICR 335 ; Roberts v Tate & Lyle ( 1986 ) ICR 371 .
22 It was not convenient for the bureau to be moved .
23 But the proposition that it was not lawful for the Secretary of State to adopt a tariff which differed from that of the judges was in my opinion wrong .
24 Last week Sir Bob said demands for a Dornoch crossing were a red herring and it was not vital for the North line to survive .
25 Marital status was not important for the development of anal cancer among women .
26 His basic salary as Naval Officer was only $800 a year which was not high for the importance of his position but compared favourably with the $180 a year he had received as an army Captain 3 years earlier .
27 Under the arrangements for health care provision current in 1990 the DHA was not responsible for the provision of general practitioner ( GP ) services .
28 He added that he was not responsible for the SAC , which is a branch of the UK body .
29 In other words , Big Bang was not responsible for the increase in volatility since the crash .
30 He was not responsible for the dissolution of the monasteries , which was handled by Thomas Cromwell , though he heartily approved of this and hoped that the revenues would be used for education , and in particular for education of the new clergy .
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