Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I then said I was a friend of Sir Randolph Routh and that if the agent was not immediately taken in charge for assault , I should send in the strongest adverse report on his conduct of this entire vile business .
2 In NME , which usually covered the band 's activities in extreme detail , Charman was not even mentioned by name in the tiny news item informing readers of the band 's new drummer .
3 This did not evoke much response from the audience , because The Times was not widely read by university students .
4 What one tended to get , too , was not just sect against sect , but a fundamentalist sect of one religion against a fundamentalist sect of another , Christian against Moslem , another Coptic sect against — Zikr ?
5 Mr. Thorpe had available to him a quicker way to secure the referral that he was seeking to the unit in Birmingham , so the process was not finally concluded in north Devon .
6 In fact it was not finally completed within English until the post-war period , with Bateson once again a prominent influence .
7 The argument of counsel to the contrary effect and , indeed , some of the judgments — e.g. the reference by Pollock C.B. , at p. 91 , to the plaintiff as a ‘ quasi-corporation ’ — seem to reflect a confusion of thought about identifying the company with its members that was not finally laid to rest until the decision of the House of Lords in Salomon v. Salomon and Co .
8 However , the argument between the two schools of thought was not finally settled in favor of the atomists until the early years of this century .
9 Accordingly in many households women spun , even though the household as a whole was not primarily engaged in textile production .
10 Ruth Elliott as Catherine , Dr Austin Sloper 's daughter , was not easily fooled by suitor Morris Townsend , played by Gerard McMullan , whose presentation was virtually perfect .
11 The night sky , brilliant with stars , was not yet touched by dawn , although a bright half-moon was low in the eastern sky .
12 Medical science was not yet equipped for investigation into near-death experiences , to which we shall refer in the final chapter ; almost the only form of resuscitation with which doctors were familiar was that following near-fatal immersion in water , accompanied , as it often is , by a rapid replay of the victim 's life .
13 She had also left some grasses free-flowing , stuck only at the bottom so they could move in the breeze , but had been told this was not strictly according to tradition .
14 But resistance to government reorganization was not simply based on self-interest ; what a person 's self-interest was , was defined by institutions and economic expectations , by a social framework which was to some extent traditional and entrenched .
15 Opposition to the test drilling was not simply informed by fear , or obstinate blocking of any development in the countryside .
16 Its flat-coiled shell was not completely filled with flesh as is that of a snail , but had a hinder end walled off to form a gas chamber .
17 The catalytic PLA2 activity was not invariably removed from serum , however , by immunoabsorption with a specific antipancreatic PLA2 antibody .
18 He said , The area was not officially controlled by radar .
19 Amylase secretion was not clearly affected after treatment with 5 mg/kg cyclosporin A alone .
20 The law does , however , exempt those who had a " valid , existing right " to the coal , although this was not clearly defined by Congress .
21 Seventeenth-century Russia , poor , remote , deeply xenophobic , was not generally seen as part of the European political system at all .
22 Though modern empirical experimental science is one of the more obvious products of that movement , the Society was not narrowly restricted to science in any modern sense .
23 Legal proceedings were opened against various mayors including the reformist mayor of Dresden , Wolfgang Berghofer , although Berghofer himself was not personally suspected of election manipulation ( in May he went to work for the office planning and construction company Häussler in Stuttgart ) .
24 This development , privatized using an Urban Development Grant in the early 1980s , was not originally associated with slum clearance and was actually more expensive per unit than the traditional housing being built at the same time .
25 In summary , evidence from several independent data sources indicate that our ascertainment method was not systematically biased in respect of the study 's main findings .
26 The pattern of adhesion ( diffuse or localised ) was not obviously related to hydrophobicity , although only nine localised isolates were tested .
27 Denudation chronology also produced a number of debates which centred not only on the existence of surfaces of a particular number , which was not readily resolved by trend surface analysis , but also on the mode of development of planation surfaces and the significance of earth movement in influencing the denudation chronology .
28 We were unable to discover a donor whose buccal epithelial cells gave reproducible and unambiguous adherence and non-adherence with the appropriate control strains ; buccal cells which bound adhesive E coli strains also tended to have a resident salivary flora which was not readily removed by washing .
29 All these patients had bulky gastric tumours extending to nearby or distant organs and death was due to progressive and uncontrolable disease and was not directly related to surgery .
30 Tumour DNA content was not significantly related to gender of the patients , tumour site , or tumour differentiation ( Table II ) .
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