Example sentences of "was [to-vb] at the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , Peter was responsible for the introduction of a punitive practice which was to remain at the centre of the tsarist criminal code and of the Siberian penal system until well into the twentieth century .
2 The Committee for the Preservation of Morals was to meet at the house of Mrs Murphy , the wife of the Mayor .
3 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
4 perhaps , he thought as he followed Maisie down the front path , it was that he knew them only as fathers , as people whose primary function was to stand at the edge of swimming pools , dank gymnasia or football fields , their collective manhoods bruised by nurture , blurring with age and helpless love .
5 At the end of the fourth week the players moved to Edinburgh where The Confidential Clerk was to open at the Lyceum on 25 August .
6 Later Lisa was to wonder at the power of the sensations that swept in on her and possessed her at that moment .
7 The first of these was to look at the school with a wider concept of resources than that with which the library project was concerned , and the second was to feed into the library committee a relatively independent group 's view of appropriate resource proposals .
8 The next phase of the study was to look at the quality of these ponds in terms of the numbers of species of animals and plants they support , the water chemistry and the surrounding land use of each pond or loch .
9 She was waiting to commence training as a nurse so her life was also heading in a new direction , but she was ill prepared for the grief she was to experience at the loss of the sister who had been so close and influential in her own life .
10 This phase corresponds to the mid-Victorian press and was to end at the turn of the century with the confirmation of the marketplace and commercialism as the key determinants of the press .
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