Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Len was thumping him on the arm now with his fist .
2 I asked the doctor who was seeing me in the hospital antenatal clinic whether or not I should stop taking the drug and he said it was OK and that I should just carry on .
3 I asked the doctor who was seeing me in the hospital antenatal clinic whether or not I should stop taking the drug and he said it was OK and that I should just carry on .
4 He had no idea that I was prostituting myself in the cause of Jean-Claude 's success .
5 The order was for the production of material relating to the purchase by a client , Mrs G , of certain real property , the allegation being that she was a member of the family of another person who was suspected of being a drug trafficker and who was using her for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of such trafficking .
6 She opened her mouth to suggest that perhaps she could give him dinner at her hotel — and thereby eliminate any possibility of him putting his arm around her in his car — then found that she was suggesting nothing of the sort , but was asking , ‘ Did Mr Gajdusek ask you to invite me out ? ’ and was at once appalled that , Ven all too clearly not far away in her head , she had asked such a thing !
7 Ten miles away on that December evening , Walter Schellenberg lit a cigarette in the back of the Mercedes which was speeding him towards the castle .
8 And then the music was drawing him into the fire and the light , and he could see the massive shape of the Chariot limned against the forest now , bathed in its own radiance , hung with silk , lined with satin …
9 All she wanted to do now was get out of here because it was pretty obvious that this woman had known Felipe when he was enjoying himself on the coast and there was definitely something between them .
10 Warden was enjoying himself in the background : it was a new experience to see someone else tackling Buchanan rather than the other way round .
11 She was pursuing him like the Fury pursuing the crime .
12 Mind you , she was starving herself to the point of endangering her life and had to be hospitalized , but er oh no , her hormon her hormon well her hormonal changes went into reverse , they absolutely did .
13 Flowers looked at fault , but the happy Town fans chanted ‘ Goddard for England ’ while the band was serenading them during the interval .
14 The fourth man had abandoned their horses to his wounded companion and was launching himself into the fray .
15 As they returned to Swinbrook on Grye , the gipsy horse , the trees of Wychwood closed in about them and Carrie imagined the sadly diminished yet still proud forest was protecting them from the rest of the world .
16 The monetarist line is the populist line and to prove it , Sir Rhodes Boyson was peddling it around the Winter Gardens yesterday .
17 Dyson swung the wheel to the left , then swung it sharply to the right again to avoid a lorry which was overtaking him on the inside .
18 Burton was hurling himself on the course most likely to tempt and test him to the limit .
19 Gyggle was driving me along the coast road to Brighton as he spoke .
20 The day came suddenly and before I knew it my father was driving me into the town of Ipswich to drop me off near the studio .
21 She was left thinking how hard he was driving himself for the sake of his adoptive family .
22 The best man was driving them to the airport for their flight to Greece , and Ellie made sure she was right in the middle of the crowd as they all surged down the front path to wish them bon voyage .
23 Juan quickly established that Avila was nowhere near the rescue base ( had we followed the consul 's directions we would have ended up three hours away ) and within an hour he was driving us into the heart of the Sierra de Gredos .
24 I was in a shop once , buying scented candles , and on the radio came Steve Wright with a collage of Smiths ’ songs , and I got a distinct chill , almost as though the hand of death was tapping me on the shoulder , saying : ‘ put yer candles down , it 's time to go ! ’ ’
25 One time I did and he was tapping me on the shoulder saying , ‘ I 've broken a string ’ .
26 Fabia got out , then found that before she could say a word , Ven was escorting her inside the hotel and waiting with her while she collected her room key .
27 George Orwell was warning everyone of the plight of poverty-stricken masses , whose only salvation was socialism and not the sort recommended by vegetarian cranks in sandals .
28 He was in highly sociable mood and , bereft of any equals , was addressing me on the subject of the decline of western civilisation and the loss of old standards .
29 Well Billy 's name 's Billy and you know we was writing it on the floor just after we found that out his second name , and , and they said B J !
30 Oh , I was writing it from the board actually .
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